10 Screenshot Markup Tips and Tricks

You can do a lot with the built-in screenshot tool on your Mac. Learn how to draw perfect shapes, highlight areas, use Emoji, save where you want and much more.

Comments: 7 Responses to “10 Screenshot Markup Tips and Tricks”

    10 months ago

    Thanks bunches

    Jim Goddard
    10 months ago

    Thanks so much,

    10 months ago


    David G.
    10 months ago

    Gary, this is one of the most interesting and valuable clips you've done. Thanks!

    Murray Atherton
    10 months ago

    I’d love a similar video on any of these options are available on an iPad.

    10 months ago

    Great tutorial Gary. Full of useful tips that I will definitely be using everyday. Regards Michael

    9 months ago

    As always, very helpful tips! Thanks so much.

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