A new feature of Mail in El Capitan is the ability to swipe across a message using your Mac's trackpad to access some common functions. This is similar to how Mail in iOS works. You can mark a message as Read or Unread, or delete it. You can also change the delete option to archive. This even works for messages not currently selected.
So Gmail gives you pretty much unlimited space to store messages. So it doesn't cost you anything. Gmail is designed to let you archive instead of trash email. The idea is basically that you never know what email you'll need in the future. Sure, 99 out of 100 or even 999 out of 1000 emails you won't need. But you don't know which one you will. Perhaps it has the contact information of someone or a company you never thought you'd need again. Or, it is a receipt for something. By archiving everything you can easily search your email and find it. It also becomes a journal of sorts. When was that party a few years back when this-and-that happened? Check your email archive for the invite. Things like that. It is a handy tool to have all of your email available for searching.
Thanks for the tip. Sure makes email management a breeze
This apparently doesn't work in the Classic Mode.
You can use the mouse to do this on an iMac
Gary. I use gmail. Why would I want to Archive messages which I have read and just want to put in the Trash?
So Gmail gives you pretty much unlimited space to store messages. So it doesn't cost you anything. Gmail is designed to let you archive instead of trash email. The idea is basically that you never know what email you'll need in the future. Sure, 99 out of 100 or even 999 out of 1000 emails you won't need. But you don't know which one you will. Perhaps it has the contact information of someone or a company you never thought you'd need again. Or, it is a receipt for something. By archiving everything you can easily search your email and find it. It also becomes a journal of sorts. When was that party a few years back when this-and-that happened? Check your email archive for the invite. Things like that. It is a handy tool to have all of your email available for searching.