MacMost Now 313: Making a Simple Music Loop with GarageBand
Learn how to make a simple music loop using GarageBand in this excerpt from the Guide to Switching to the Mac by Gary Rosenzweig. You can use simple loops in photo slideshows, videos and other projects.
Comments: 8 Responses to “MacMost Now 313: Making a Simple Music Loop with GarageBand”
14 years ago
that was helpful.
13 years ago
If I select a region of a project, copy it then paste it as an introduction to my song, then want to slow down a few notes so i know when to start singing along how do i lengthen the last two or three notes of my intro without squashing the notes following or the notes just ahead of my lengthen notes?
Not sure what you are trying to do. If you "lengthen" a portion of the music then it would stretch the time for that section of music and your timing would be off. Not sure how that would help you "sing along".
13 years ago
I figured it out so it works quite well and there is no need to lengthen notes. I copy 1 or 2 bars (or whatever is suitable to use as an introduction), paste it to the beginning of the song then adjust the volume down on the last couple of beats of the pasted region and that gives me the indication I need that the introduction is complete and the accompaniment begins for my singing. Thank you for puzzling on this one.
Kika Wai'Alae
13 years ago
Gary I noticed the you have a key column. I find that can be helpful for me however I donʻt have a key column. Iʻm using Garage Band 11 6.0.4 How do I turn this key option on? I only have the Beats and Fav column.
that was helpful.
If I select a region of a project, copy it then paste it as an introduction to my song, then want to slow down a few notes so i know when to start singing along how do i lengthen the last two or three notes of my intro without squashing the notes following or the notes just ahead of my lengthen notes?
Not sure what you are trying to do. If you "lengthen" a portion of the music then it would stretch the time for that section of music and your timing would be off. Not sure how that would help you "sing along".
I figured it out so it works quite well and there is no need to lengthen notes. I copy 1 or 2 bars (or whatever is suitable to use as an introduction), paste it to the beginning of the song then adjust the volume down on the last couple of beats of the pasted region and that gives me the indication I need that the introduction is complete and the accompaniment begins for my singing. Thank you for puzzling on this one.
Gary I noticed the you have a key column. I find that can be helpful for me however I donʻt have a key column. Iʻm using Garage Band 11 6.0.4 How do I turn this key option on? I only have the Beats and Fav column.
There is a a preference in GarageBand, Loops, Loop Browser: Display original tempo and key.
Ah nice! Now will it play in its original key or will it change to the master song key?
Ok I see, it will change to the song key that it is put into. Just tried it and alls well!