What is it? The MacMost newsletter is an email message sent out each Thursday with all the new MacMost.com content – each new video, news post, tip and recommendation. It’s a great way to keep up to date with the Apple world and learn new things through your email inbox.
Is it really free? Yes! The newsletter is free and each issue features free tutorials, tips, news, recommendations and more. The newsletter and site are even ad-free, thanks to our Patreon contributors!
How do I subscribe? Just enter your email address below. You will be asked to confirm your subscription. Then you will get the newsletter each Thursday morning.
Will I get junk email? We will absolutely not share your email address with anyone else. We respect your privacy. We will NEVER sell, rent or share your email address. That’s more than a policy, it’s our personal guarantee! Read our privacy policy.
Can I unsubscribe once I sign up? Every newsletter has an unsubscribe link at the bottom. You can cancel it at any time and we will immediately remove you from the list.
What does the newsletter look like? Want to see a recent newsletter before you subscribe? View newsletter #844.
Read what subscribers have to say about MacMost’s newsletter:
“The MacMost weekly newsletters contain the latest Mac and iOS news. The short and to-the-point tutorials can’t be beat. MacMost is my first “go to” place for answers to my Mac and iOS questions.” — Jim L.
“We all get way too many emails & newsletters. It seems I’m constantly unsubscribing to things I never subscribed to in the first place. HOWEVER, the MacMost newsletter is something I read (and watch) from top to bottom. The valuable info and tips allow me to learn something new each time. Its a welcome sight in my inbox. Thanks!!” — Brad T.
“MacMost is the finest source of Mac related news. It covers everything I need to know about my computers and devices that’s important, interesting and fun.” — Simon J.
“MacMost videos and the newsletter are indispensable to me, a technology teacher who is always on a learning curve. No wasted words, well edited, current, and essential.” — Lynn W.
“Best Mac tutorial podcast out there! Gary makes everything easy to understand because he capably demonstrates exactly what he is explaining. The iWork topics have been of particular help to me. Keep it coming! Something there for every Mac user.” — Bill O.
“The MacMost Weekly Newsletter is full of the great content on MacMost.com and the latest Apple news. Plus the original weekly comic strip is great fun!” — John H.
“I really enjoy the features presented in an easy to understand fashion. I learn something new in each edition!” — Stephen S.
“As the pendulum sways from PC to Mac, I have found the MacMost Newsletter, videos and podcasts indispensable to gaining the edge I need in mastering my new digital domain.” — Kim H.
“MacMost got me painlessly and quickly through the transition from PC to Mac. Pretty much everything is covered in the excellent library of video tutorials. The most useful resource I’ve found by far. So grateful!” — Mark S.
“I believe the MacMost website along with the weekly newsletter to be a must for anyone with a Mac. Always something to learn from Gary.” — Dennis K.
“I have been using MacMost for a number of years and it’s brilliant! The video tutorials are fantastic! I have learned so much. So thanks Gary and everyone at MacMost for the most informative information for the Mac the iPhone and the iPad on the Internet.” — Vivian R.
“Without fail, there is always something I learn from your newsletter. Thanks for all your Mac wisdom!” — Beth P.
“I got dragged into the Mac world by family. My husband, both daughters and a nephew convinced me to get a Mac when my PC died. I don’t think I could have done it without the help of MacMost. You have taught me so much! Thank you! Your instruction are concise, clear and (most important of all) helpful!” — Sheryl K.
“Do yourself a favor and subscribe to the MacMost Now Newsletter. It is simply very informative and timely on all things Mac! The weekly cartoon alone is worth the free subscription!” — Gary L.
“Out of all the Apple blogs, fan pages and new summaries, MacMost most is what I ReadMost.” — Craig K.