MacMost Now 570: Safari Extensions That Change Your Browsing Experience

You can change how pages are loaded in Safari, and alter them after they load with Safari extensions. You can prevent images and Flash content from loading when you are on a slow connection, but click to view that content on demand. You can also mark up a web page and send it via email.

Comments: 7 Responses to “MacMost Now 570: Safari Extensions That Change Your Browsing Experience”

    14 years ago

    Thank you Gary for these tips! Very helpful!
    Saw these extensions but didn't really realize how well they work, especially Coda.

    Nancy N
    14 years ago

    Hi. I just tried to get the coda notes but it isn't listed in the Safari Gallery.

    Nancy N

    14 years ago

    Great video,Gary.How about some Firefox tips?Cheers

      14 years ago

      I thought I'd focus on Safari, being the default Mac browser. If I went into Firefox and Chrome, there'd be a lot of videos to do...

    Rob Taylor
    14 years ago

    Downloaded extension but none of the buttons will work how do I fix this!

      14 years ago

      Which extension? Did you try restarting Safari? Maybe uninstall and re-install. Or, contact the developer for support.

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