MacMost Now 592: Safari Reading List

The new Safari Reading List feature allows you to quickly and easily save web pages for future viewing. You can add pages to your Reading List in various ways, and they will be marked as read when you get back to them. They will also sync with iOS 5 devices. They are similar to bookmarks, but could be used in some interesting ways.

Comments: 28 Responses to “MacMost Now 592: Safari Reading List”

    14 years ago

    Hey Gary, I find this new feature to be very useful but I was wondering if I could add them to the Reading List somehow to read them offline?

      14 years ago

      Nope. It doesn't work that way. It is just a list of pages, it doesn't store the pages themselves.

    13 years ago


    I was trying to do the reading list and when I try to put anything in the list the area is all white and I can't see anything in that area. I don't know if I have something turned off/on or what.



      13 years ago

      I think your mind is blank!

    13 years ago

    Is there a (command) short-key I can use when I want to reset Safari? Instead of having to do it manually via "Safari-reset safari-reset.

    13 years ago

    How do i enable reading list on lion running safari 5.5?

      13 years ago

      The latest version of Safari is 5.1. Is that what you mean? If so, it is on by default. Look for the eyeglasses icon.

    13 years ago

    Hey Gary. Great review.

    To me it seems quite odd that you can't save web pages for offline reading via the reading list.

    It would be an nice feature during travel - for example adding pages while waiting in the airport for later reading at flight mode on board.

    Do you know if Apple have any further description of the thoughts behind the reading list somewhere?

      13 years ago

      There's a little mentioned in the Safari help, but probably not what you are looking for. You can always save or print (to pdf) pages that you wan to read later.

    13 years ago

    No, not quite. I am looking for some data about the Safari reading list. For eksample how often users actually are using it.

      13 years ago

      How do I get to/find my articles I have added to my reading list?

        13 years ago

        Just open the reading list sidebar, like in the video.

    Robert Mathieu
    13 years ago

    Hello Gary,
    Few questions; 1st does the 'reading list' auto-delete pages after they have been opened/read or after a certain allotted time frame ?? If so, can you stop it?
    Does the 'read list' have a history? To revisit/find a page that has gone missing or accidentally removed/deleted.
    Also I know the keys to save a page to 'read list'
    command+shift+D sends it there.
    command+shift+L opens 'reading list'
    What keys closes 'read list' ???

      13 years ago

      Items shouldn't delete themselves. They just go to the "All" side instead of the "Unread" side.
      You have a complete history in Safari -- no need to complicate with another history list just for Reading List.
      Use Command+Shift+L to open and close the reading list.
      Also, remember that you still have bookmarks, which offer much more functionality. Use bookmarks if Reading Listing doesn't suit you.

    Robert Mathieu
    13 years ago

    Thank You,
    Great advice and good points.
    Here is one more thing, when I have 'multiple' tabs open and I want to hide the several(tab bar) shift+command+T does not close it. It will only 'hide' one open tab , not several. Is there a command or a way to 'hide' multiple tabs in the tab bar???
    Thank You so much in advance.

    Dumarina putros
    13 years ago

    i deleted my reading list. how can i get it back ?

      13 years ago

      You can't. It is meant to be a temporary list of items that you want to get to later, not a permanent archive of links. Use bookmarks or some other method if that is what you want.

    13 years ago

    How do I stop safari from sending every page I click on to reading list. I cannot open any web page or go directly to any site. Each time I open safari and go to my home page any web site I select goes straight to the 'eyeglasses' it wont even let me log on to facebook or other social networks. How can I disable this???

      13 years ago

      It sounds like something is wrong. There is no functionality that I know of that would do this. I'd go into the Genius Bar as have them take a first-hand look.

        13 years ago

        thanks, its taken me a long time to get back here. I actually worked out there was a problem with my keyboard. The caps lock was always on even though it was not lit up and the mouse wasnt scrolling correctly. so I unplugged the keyboard and mouse and rebooted the computer then plugged them in again and everything worked well after that. Mind you, I had rebooted several times prior to disconnecting the keyboard and it didnt fix it. Thanks for your help.

    13 years ago

    Hi, today's the first time I don't see the glasses icon on my browser. How can I do to put the icon back?

      13 years ago

      Check Safari, Preferences, Bookmarks, Bookmarks bar: Include Reading List.

      12 years ago

      If the Reading List is empty, you wont see the 'glasses' icon on your browser. Try Command-Shift-D to add a page to Reading List, and automatically the Reading List 'glasses' icon will reappear...

    12 years ago

    I have the same problem, I can add pages to my reading list.
    However I try to open the reading list and i just get a grey empty list/tab.
    I am using safari 6.0.1 on Mountain Lion.

    Please advise.
    Thank you.

      12 years ago

      Look at the top of your Reading List. It should have buttons for "All" and "Unread." Try switching between them.

    12 years ago

    Good Morning ;
    I can't close the reading list their is no icon to close it, please advice

      12 years ago

      Click the eyeglasses icon again. It both opens and closes it.

Comments Closed.