Sharing videos via email, file transfer or using old technology like DVDs can be impractical. Uploading your videos to a service like YouTube that almost anyone can access is easy and useful. You can set these videos to be unlisted or private if you aren't interested in the general publicseeing them. YouTube videos can be viewed on computers, set-top boxes, TVs, tablets, phones. Plus, they can be high definition, giving them a big advantage over DVDs.
Want to know more about how to use iMovie on your Mac? Check out this MacMost course!
Not sure what you mean. You upload from your iPad to YouTube. Do you mean you want to download a video from YouTube to your iPad. No, that's not easily done. Anyway, you should get permission from the video owner before downloading any video from YouTube. If they mean for you to be able to download it for other use, then they will usually provide it some other way (for instance, as MacMost does through the podcast feed).
10 years ago
Thank you Gary! This info is really going to help me with posting videos of clocks that I sell on eBay.
Jim Bean
10 years ago
If I use the unlisted or private method, is there anything to stop the recipient from sending the clip to some other person of their choice? I would imagine that there isn't but I would appreciate your comments.
Unlike stead, no. They can send a link. Private means that you will have to add that person to the list. No one else can add them.
Jim Bean
10 years ago
'Unlisted'. The recipient can pass the clip on, via a link.
'Private'. The recipient has no control of the clip.
Thank you.
John Roberts
10 years ago
Even though I still have iDVD, sharing movies/slideshows can still be complicated and time consuming. The YouTube method is so quick and straightforward. Thanks for highlighting a process I never knew existed.
10 years ago
Thanks for the good information, I often have to share videos with friends and family.
9 years ago
Is there a limit on the length of the video if sharing to YouTube?
Hi Gary,
I'm creating a couple of videos for my business that I intend to send in 'private' mode to potential customers. If the person I send it to turns out to be a competitor, is there a way for me to prevent them from copying/saving a YouTube video? I guess the other option would be to take it down? Appreciate your comments. Thanks
There is no way to completely prevent it, with YouTube or any technology. Think of the millions that Hollywood has invested in preventing movies from being copied and how easily people can find copies on the Internet. YouTube does not inherently allow people to steal video content, but it is easy enough to find browser extensions that will do it.
9 years ago
When I try to sign in to google through iMovie, it tells me to paste a code into the application. Where do I paste it in iMovie?
If you are using two-factor authentication (and you should) then you either need to go into your Google account and generate an app-specific password and use that in iMovie. Or, just forget about using the iMovie upload process and use YouTube's web upload. That's what I do as you get all of YouTube's options that way. There's really no reason to use the upload inside of iMovie.
9 years ago
Instead of burning to a DVD I would like to place on a USB then play on a TV, Iam using Imovie 9- how do I go about this? Thanks Al.
Does your TV accept a USB thumb drive as an peripheral? Some do. If so, it may be possible, but you'll need to consult your TV's documentation. It will take some technical expertise and experimentation to get it working that way, though.
File size only matters in this case if you have a slow connection and are having trouble uploading. Otherwise, YouTube handles it by recompressing the video in its own format and serving up the appropriate file size depending on the viewer's connection.
If someone is subscribed to my Youtube videos, will they be able to see a video that I have classified as "unlisted"? Thanks Gary.
They should not. But easy to test if you are concerned.
can i upload a music video song direct from UTube to my iPad Air ?
Not sure what you mean. You upload from your iPad to YouTube. Do you mean you want to download a video from YouTube to your iPad. No, that's not easily done. Anyway, you should get permission from the video owner before downloading any video from YouTube. If they mean for you to be able to download it for other use, then they will usually provide it some other way (for instance, as MacMost does through the podcast feed).
Thank you Gary! This info is really going to help me with posting videos of clocks that I sell on eBay.
If I use the unlisted or private method, is there anything to stop the recipient from sending the clip to some other person of their choice? I would imagine that there isn't but I would appreciate your comments.
Unlike stead, no. They can send a link. Private means that you will have to add that person to the list. No one else can add them.
'Unlisted'. The recipient can pass the clip on, via a link.
'Private'. The recipient has no control of the clip.
Thank you.
Even though I still have iDVD, sharing movies/slideshows can still be complicated and time consuming. The YouTube method is so quick and straightforward. Thanks for highlighting a process I never knew existed.
Thanks for the good information, I often have to share videos with friends and family.
Is there a limit on the length of the video if sharing to YouTube?
A quick search turned up this. Short answer: 11'hours.
Hi Gary,
I'm creating a couple of videos for my business that I intend to send in 'private' mode to potential customers. If the person I send it to turns out to be a competitor, is there a way for me to prevent them from copying/saving a YouTube video? I guess the other option would be to take it down? Appreciate your comments. Thanks
There is no way to completely prevent it, with YouTube or any technology. Think of the millions that Hollywood has invested in preventing movies from being copied and how easily people can find copies on the Internet. YouTube does not inherently allow people to steal video content, but it is easy enough to find browser extensions that will do it.
When I try to sign in to google through iMovie, it tells me to paste a code into the application. Where do I paste it in iMovie?
If you are using two-factor authentication (and you should) then you either need to go into your Google account and generate an app-specific password and use that in iMovie. Or, just forget about using the iMovie upload process and use YouTube's web upload. That's what I do as you get all of YouTube's options that way. There's really no reason to use the upload inside of iMovie.
Instead of burning to a DVD I would like to place on a USB then play on a TV, Iam using Imovie 9- how do I go about this? Thanks Al.
Does your TV accept a USB thumb drive as an peripheral? Some do. If so, it may be possible, but you'll need to consult your TV's documentation. It will take some technical expertise and experimentation to get it working that way, though.
I want to now how i can reduce the file size.
File size only matters in this case if you have a slow connection and are having trouble uploading. Otherwise, YouTube handles it by recompressing the video in its own format and serving up the appropriate file size depending on the viewer's connection.