There's No More 27-Inch iMac, Here's What To Get Instead

Apple has officially said they aren't planning on making a new 5K 27-inch iMac. But the current line-up of Macs has plenty of great options that will get you a 27-inch screen and a fast new Apple Silicon processor, often cheaper than what an iMac would have cost.

Comments: 21 Responses to “There's No More 27-Inch iMac, Here's What To Get Instead”

    Alison Gifford
    1 year ago

    There are many people who buy macs because of the excellent features for people with visual impairments- I am one of them. I need the big screen so that when I increase the size of text I still get enough on the screen to make comprehension easy. This is not possible on small screens where only a few words or a line or two of text can be displayed. A small screen makes the accessibility features for those with reduced vision practically redundant. PLEASE - we are not second cl`sss citizens.

    1 year ago

    Alison: Not sure what you are saying here. I'm giving some good options for getting any screen size you want. I don't see how my video is treating people with visual impairments as "second class citizens."

    1 year ago

    As always--always useful. I am hoping this is related to the video. I have a 2017 and a 2019--22" iMacs. I want to replace the 2017 with a new M3 iMac. Due to the age of my wife and myself, this might be the last computer we purchase. Would you mind doing an updated video on migration assistant? The only extra app is Family Tree Maker as I do not want to renew Office 365. I am still not understanding what migrates and what does email? Thanks bunches.

    1 year ago

    Sheldon: Doing how-to tutorials on Migration Assistant is difficult for many reasons. Apple has it covered here: All of your files should transfer. But afterward, you simply test things out and work out any differences. For instance, an app you licensed from a third-party may require that you install it fresh or re-register it for it to work. Hard to know without trying. But since doing it doesn't "destroy" your old Mac, you alway shave that around as a backup just in case.

    1 year ago

    Sound advice all around. When the 24" M1 iMacs came out I bought on to replace an aging fairly high-end 27" Intel Mac. I already had a 27" Dell display as a second screen and have been very happy with this combination. I really like the 24" iMac, a solid value that's easily expandable to a larger display.

    Glenn Stokes
    1 year ago

    I have a 27 inch iMac with Intel processor .
    I would upgrade to a 27 inch with Apple processor .
    If they are not going to make new 27 inch with Apple Chip , then I wil keep my current iMac .
    Their loss, not mine.

    Robert Douglass
    1 year ago

    Gary, Thanks for the video, unfortunately there's yet another reason not to buy component-pieces... and that is software issues. I specifically tried to do the 'multiple-pieces' a couple years ago, using a Mini, a MacBook, and a nice LG display... What a nightmare! I'd update software, and find the display needed a software update too... not easy to find out which software went with which. Also, there were issues opening/closing the laptop- to find the display wouldn't turn on! Arrgh.

    1 year ago

    Robert: What sort of update did the display need? I've used many external displays, including the LG attached to my Mac Studio right now that I've had for years and I've never had to update them. I don't even think there is a way.

    Denise Ronalter
    1 year ago

    I currently have a 27" iMac (2020, Sonoma), but could my next purchase be a MacBook and then use my current iMac 27" screen as the monitor? I currently have no laptop and am sometimes missing it for remote meetings.

    Robert Douglass
    1 year ago

    Gary, Thanks for the quick reply. I don't actually remember, but it was definitely for the display. I got so fed up with the issues (and I've been using Macs since the SE) I just abandoned it, and bought one of the then 'new' all-in-one iMacs.

    Gordon Tyler
    1 year ago

    Apple also just removed the 24" label next to the iMac header on their site so I wouldn't hold your breath for a larger sized iMac. I had a mid 2017 iMac that would not run Sonoma so I sold it to a friend. I bought a sleeve type dock for an existing MacBook Pro M1 and paired it with an exsiting 4K 27" monitor. The sound comes from the latop, but I can't really use the camera or microphone. If you had the desk space to have a laptop open next to the main monitor, then that's another option.

    Gordon Tyler
    1 year ago

    I was contemplating getting the new 24" iMac and then trying to add an external monitor that would match so that I didn't lose overall screen real estate. Have you found any that would fit the bill?

    1 year ago

    Gordon: First, I would try the iMac at the store. Then I would get it but not add the extra screen right away. After a few weeks it may not seem different at all. But if you then feel you really need it, you can add another screen later.

    Sussman Paul
    1 year ago

    Could you compare the Apple Studio Display with a 27 inch LG ultra? I’m thinking about buying one or the other and would love to see a comparison between the two. I also have a 27 inch iMac and really like it. I would love to just replace it with another 27 inch but it doesn’t look like I’ll be able to. Your comparison would be very useful and thank you I really enjoy MacMost

    1 year ago

    Sussman: Just take a look at the specifications of each at the Apple page and the LG page for those products. I have the Apple Studio Display, but not the LG 5K so I could only really compare them on paper like that too.

    John Robinson
    1 year ago

    This was exactly what i needed to hear. Thank you.

    Paul Reinert
    1 year ago

    Hi Gary, I have a 2019 5k 27” iMac. I still run Mojave on it. But heard you can upgrade to Ventura and use target disk mode which was taken out of Mojave. Would that allow me to get a Mac Studio in the future and use the 27” iMac as it's monitor? Beautiful monitor it would be a shame if not true but at least I can put Ventura on it now. Many thanks for your great videos.

    1 year ago

    Paul: Not really. You can buy more stuff and do it, but at slower speeds. See

    Walter Pringle
    1 year ago

    All of the above are good options. I had a 2012 Intel Mac Mini and a Samsung 23" monitor. I replaced the Intel Mini in 2020 with the 2020 M1 Mini. Recently I added an Apple Studio 27" monitor from Apple's refurb department. The monitor looks brand new, has a one year warranty and has allowed me to remove speakers and a web cam from my setup. Since I already had an Apple keyboard and mouse I am still all Apple and good to go. Future possibility, a Mini M2Pro with 16GB. Great article!

    Frank Lazar
    1 year ago

    Gordon Tyler's best bet right now would be to get a Mac Mini or Mac Studio and get two of a monitor he likes such possibly the LG one.

    Alan Dean Foster
    1 year ago

    Lot of people (a lot) disappointed there won't be a new 27" (or larger) iMac.
    Unfortunately for Apple, there is no way to measure how many people are not buying something.

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