Touch Bar First Look

Take a look at the Touch Bar on the new Macbook Pro. This thin touchscreen that replaces the function keys on the keyboard allows you to easily access functions for macOS and apps. It changes depending on which app you are using and what you are doing.

Comments: 6 Responses to “Touch Bar First Look”

    Ed Rambeau
    8 years ago

    Is Touche only available for the Laptop or can it be used with an iMac Desktop Computer as well?

    8 years ago

    Touche shows your Touch Bar on the main screen. iMacs don't have a Touch Bar. Only the new MacBook Pros do.

    8 years ago

    This just in... the all new Dell "Tap Strip!"

    8 years ago

    THNX for previewing the TouchBar . . I was already in love with it from the KeyNote presentation and introduction; NOW after seeing it in real action, I will be waiting at my door for the postman to delivery as soon as available! mn

    8 years ago

    Do you think the new iMacs coming in 2017 will have a Touch Bar?

    8 years ago

    Stan: Not sure. It will be trickier, since the keyboard is external and wireless. There is only so much bandwidth between the keyboard and the computer, and the Touch Bar is high resolution. The Touch ID also represents a significant security problem operating removed from the computer itself. Plus, the battery required in the keyboard will be an issue. We are used to going weeks or months between keyboard charges.

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