MacMost Now 224: Using Mail Rules

Learn how to use Apple Mail's rules to filter your email. You can get alerts when messages arrive, automatically sort mail into folders, and even reply or forward specific messages when they arrive.

Comments: 7 Responses to “MacMost Now 224: Using Mail Rules”

    15 years ago

    Hey Gary! Does MacMost have a Facebook page? I know u guys have Twitter, but what about Facebook?

      15 years ago

      I think there's alot more people that would follow you on Facebook than on Twitter.

      15 years ago

      It is a shame that FaceBook makes it so hard to promote your page outside of FaceBook. MacMost does have a page -- but to tell someone about it you have to give them this long URL or tell them to search:

      15 years ago

      Better yet, you can go here:

        15 years ago

        Thanks Gary!

    15 years ago


    very helpful!

    How can I have Mail pop up a dialog box to let me know that a rule has been activated?


      15 years ago

      You certainly can. Just have one of the result actions be "Run AppleScript" and then write an AppleScript that puts up an alert box. If you aren't an AppleScript programmer, you can search for some tutorials. But you can also use some other actions like "Play a Sound" or "Bounce Dock Icon" that are there is Mail rules.

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