Using Smart Albums In Mac Photos

Smart Albums are a handy tool in Mac Photos that can be used to view photos in your library that match certain criteria. Unlike regular albums, you don't add photos to the album manually and they automatically update as you add new photos.

Comments: 15 Responses to “Using Smart Albums In Mac Photos”

    4 years ago

    Very powerful tool. Can you do it based on location? And I’m guessing this only works on Mac and not iPhone or iPad?

    4 years ago

    Karl: Try "Text" "is" and the name of a location. This is only for the Mac Photos app.

    4 years ago

    Nice rundown of the powerful features, thank you. You mentioned adding a folder (around 6:43 mins into the video). Could you expound a bit on what a folder is and how it can be used?

    4 years ago

    Eric: It is just an organizational tool. Instead of having all of your albums and smart albums in one long list in the sidebar, folders lets you group them. Try it and see.

    Rohit Aggarwal
    4 years ago

    I want to create a smart album where I want to include three names but exclude one "Key word". Anyway to do this?

    4 years ago

    Rohit: Sure. Why not? Just add al of those as items in the Smart Album. Try it.

    4 years ago

    Is there a way to use pattern recognition and have a smart album find people in the pictures in which they appear?

    4 years ago

    Gene: Yes. Look at the list of criteria. Person is one of them.

    Lois Morris
    4 years ago

    I can only get one name in the list when I select the person option for a smart album. How do I add additional people?

    4 years ago

    Louis: Just add another line with another Person.

    4 years ago

    Gary - great video - thanks
    Is it possible to have a smart album that 'collects' all photo's say below 50 mb in size- As I am plagued by 'thumbprint' type images

    3 years ago

    Do smart albums show on iPad or just on Mac?

    3 years ago

    Suzanne: Mac only.

    Suzanne Sanger
    3 years ago

    A REALLY smart album would capture photos and then remove them from the Library. In fact, if all albums at least offered the option of either continuing to show “albumed” photos or hiding them in that Library feed, searching and organizing would be SO much easier! Is there a way to do this? Have I missed it?

    3 years ago

    Suzanne: The Library is ALL of your photos. Albums are curated subsets of your library. What are you trying to do, exactly? If you want to see a list of the photos not currently in any album, create a Smart Album with the criteria Album, Is Not, Any.

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