Using Spring-Loaded Folders

Spring-Loaded folders allow you to drag and drop files from one location to another, viewing what is inside the destination folder before dropping the file. This is particularly useful when you want to drop a file several levels deep. It works best when you are using column view, since you can move around through folders easily.

Comments: 5 Responses to “Using Spring-Loaded Folders”

    John Turner
    7 years ago

    Great video! I can give this to the guy who lives with us who is new to his Mac and is still very new at it!

    mark a
    7 years ago

    While it wasn't as easy to do as I would have hoped, if, while moving through folders, you want to return the file to the previous folder(s), you can hover the file and pointer over the back icon in Finder and it will go back.

    7 years ago

    The back/forward buttons and View Mode segmented controls are also spring loaded. After spring loading a folder, you can hover over the back button to go back without having to cancel the drag.

    Also, if you have a Magic Trackpad 2 (the one with force click) then you can force click while dragging to force a spring load to happen now instead of waiting for the timeout. (just be careful not to release the force click so much that you let go of the drag)

    7 years ago

    Thanks, I've been using it but I wasn't aware about how much more useful it is in the Column View and about the use of the spacebar.

    7 years ago

    I'm not a fan of column view but I liked the idea of Spring-Loaded Folders. I don't think it will work for me because when you enable mouse keys it defaults to column view when you open the finder. Otherwise it would be very helpful.

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