Using the Flash Player In Safari

It can be tricky to get Flash content on a webpage to work in Safari. If you need Flash, make sure you get it only from the official Adobe site. Then only update Flash from System Preferences, never follow a link to update or install Flash. To use Flash, sometimes you get a button to activate the content, and other times you need to turn on Flash for a website in Safari's preferences.

Comments: 13 Responses to “Using the Flash Player In Safari”

    6 years ago

    Any suggestions about the message that Adobe itself causes to pop up (sometimes incessantly) saying I need to update my flash player? It seems to be a function of the app itself (i.e., the pop up isn't within a browser). It seems legit, but given how clever social engineering is, do we trust it? I assume it's best to dismiss it, then go to system prefs and check for updates there, but your thoughts?

    6 years ago

    Bruce: I don't get that message. I wouldn't trust it. Go to System Prefs and use that to update.

    Joyce Houghton
    6 years ago

    I also get the pop up telling me that I need to update Flash. I always go to system prefs. to verify if I really need an update. On a few occasions I don't need it, but most of the time I do.. And I always update it from system prefs.. I don't trust it, so I don't take chances. My complaint is when I'm updating, it wants me to get a flash update helper. I don't think I need it, so never download that.

    Marietta Champlin
    6 years ago

    I reluctantly downloaded flash player from a page that said download now, so far no problems. However about six months ago I installed flash player and a malicious virus took over my mac book pro and with the help of Apple Support I had to erase all content on my laptop and start over. Should I uninstall the Flash Player that I recently downloaded and go to the official
    Adobe website, and how would I do that? I wish I could have seen your video of how to download it properly. Thank you for all your informative information

    6 years ago

    Marietta: The important thing to remember is that what you downloaded 6 months back wasn't the Flash Player -- it was just something else claiming to be. Too many people blame Adobe for this problem, but Adobe has nothing to do with it.
    It is hard to know whether you downloaded a real one or not. Maybe get your Mac checked out.

    6 years ago

    Thanks Gary — that was a useful tip. Could you perhaps do another some time about how you can avoid using Flash altogether and what alternatives are around to support that move.

    6 years ago

    ntb: Not sure what a video on avoiding Flash would be about. If the content at a site uses Flash, then you have to use Flash to view it. There are alternatives, but those are for the website publisher/developer to decide to use something different or not have interactive content at all.

    Tom Gonser
    6 years ago

    Obviously the comment about not downloadiing Flash updates from a link is attracting attention. But it is unclear to me how one can update Flash from "prefs". I'm not seeing that option in Safari preferences. A quick comment on the "right way to update Adobe Flash" would be helpful.

    6 years ago

    Tom: You find the option to update Flash in System Preferemces, not Safari Prefernces. Watch from about 2:15 to see.

    6 years ago

    I don't have the flash icon when I display system preferences. Running Mojave 10 and Safari 12. I do see flash under Safari preferences - Websites v31.0.0.122, but no options for update as in your video.

    6 years ago

    Terry: Download and install Flash from Adobe's site.

    6 years ago

    Thanks for the info. I did the download/install and got the following message "You already have Adobe Flash Player installed. To improve security and save energy, Safari did not activate Adobe Flash Player after it was installed." Apparently the icon in System Preferences will not display if it is not activated in Safari.

    6 years ago

    Terry: I'm not sure why it isn't appearing in System Preferences for you then. Perhaps try uninstalling it and installing it again? It shouldn't matter whether it is turned on in Safari for sites or by default.

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