Using the New Safari Tabs Features On Your Mac

Safari 15 includes major changes to how tabs look and work. You can now choose between two different ways tabs look at the top of the Safari window, and can create tab groups to organize your tabs.

Comments: 15 Responses to “Using the New Safari Tabs Features On Your Mac”

    Neal Perkins
    3 years ago

    As usual, this is an excellent video...
    I suppose these new features will take a bit getting used to. But, my initial disappointment is that the infamous 'This page is consuming a large amount of memory' (or some such, causing me to bolt back to Chrome which I don't want.)
    And, Safari seems VERY slow to load pages. I am hoping these issues will be 'tuned' shortly.

    TE D
    3 years ago

    Thanks, it looks like the new tab fxns will actually be helpful for teaching students to research (by saving and organizing resources for further study) instead of “bookmark and forget.” I joined your Patreon group today, your videos are a treasure

    Pete S
    3 years ago

    Am on an iPad Pro. When I open the new safari app there are a lot of little windows at the bottom of the display. Most say “start page” but some have old tabs from previous (IpadOS 14) pages. The labels underneath those windows have names but other are start page. There is bar at the top of those small windows and if I pull down all the little windows disappear and will come back if reopen safari. How do I get rid of (delete) some 8 or more empty start pages.

    3 years ago

    Pete: That's the tab bar. It shows your tabs like on a computer, but at the bottom so you can easily tap them with your finger while holding your iPhone with one hand. Tap the tab overview (bottom right, looks like two squares) and you can close tabs like before.

    Pete S
    3 years ago

    Thank you Gary. The iphone only shows a tab title and a long press brings up options, including delete. iPad Pro safari is unresponsive to long press. A bug perhaps.

    3 years ago

    Ignoring that the new design is counter-intuitive (I guess I can learn it), at least running on 11.6/MBP 2016 the new Safari is constantly glitching and crashing, and the "history" functions don't work. As always, maybe just my computer, but this is the first time Safari has been anything other than reliable. Weird.

    Larry Wayte
    3 years ago

    Hmmm, I'm using Safari 15 (I checked) on Catalina on an iMac, but my tab options and look haven't changed and it doesn't look anything like what you're describing. I suspect that's because I can't upgrade to Big Sur, no less Monterey, because my perfectly functioning iMac is from 2013. Oh well. Probably not worth buying a new iMac just for those features.

    3 years ago

    Larry: You need to be using Big Sur to see the new tabs.

    3 years ago

    I'm using private windows and I can't see the ability to create Tab groups.
    Why ? Is there a workaround ?
    Thank you

    3 years ago

    Paulhac: Private windows are supposed to be temporary and data isn't saved for them. That's one of their main features. So no Tab groups as that would be keeping them around as you switched groups.

    3 years ago

    Hi Gary, wonderful as always thank you for all you do. Is there a way to reorder the tab groups once they are created? Thanks

    3 years ago

    Kathy: Yes. Just drag them up and down in the sidebar.

    3 years ago

    Hi Gary, I’ve been trying to do that but when I select the tab group it just highlights the name as though I’m trying to rename the group. Not sure what I’m doing or not doing…although I can reorder them on iOS…thanks in advance.

    3 years ago

    Kathy: Sounds like you are clicking on it (press down and lift up). You need to drag it (press down, move, then lift up).

    3 years ago

    Hi Again, strange since I'm able to reorder things in sidebar in many other apps like in mail but it doesn't work in Safari in this case for me. I restarted and still no luck. Strange gremlin I guess.

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