Using Vocal Shortcuts On Mac and iPhone

The new Vocal Shortcuts Accessibility function on the Mac, iPhone and iPad allows you to create vocal commands that can trigger Shortcuts and other things just by speaking a few words.

Comments: 7 Responses to “Using Vocal Shortcuts On Mac and iPhone”

    Roy Whelden
    5 months ago

    Do you think that the battery takes a rather serious hit when Vocal Shortcuts is turned on?

    5 months ago

    Roy: I haven't tested it, but everything you do uses "power" so probably, some. Test and see.

    Bob Herwick
    5 months ago

    I enabled voice control, but discovered one disadvantage. If I am sitting talking with friends and have a text message I am producing the iPhone automatically picks up everything we are saying without having to press the microphone button. I finally had to turn it off as it was driving me crazy…and embarrassing since it seems to be sending the text messages without my tapping the send arrow.

    5 months ago

    Bob: You definitely need to set the phrases to something you wouldn't normally speak.

    5 months ago

    Thanks bunches

    Ed Adams
    4 months ago

    So you are a Jeopardy fan, laughs. Is there a way to sync the actions you have made on the Mac with the iPhone/iPad?

    4 months ago

    Ed: I don't think so. See it if does it automatically. But I'd imagine they would be separate because you wouldn't want the same vocal commands to be across machines and activating in awkward situations.

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