What To Know Before Buying a Mac With a Small Drive Plus an External

Thinking of getting a new Mac with minimal internal storage and supplementing it with an external drive? In this video, I explain why many people choose this setup to save on Apple’s expensive storage upgrades. You’ll learn about the cost differences between internal and external storage and get tips on how to manage the limitations of external drives, including performance and file organization issues. Whether you’re looking to maximize your budget or improve your storage options, this guide will help you make an informed decision when configuring your Mac’s storage setup.

You can save a lot of money by opting for a smaller internal drive on your Mac and then buying external storage. But there are some major downsides and things you should consider.

Comments: 19 Responses to “What To Know Before Buying a Mac With a Small Drive Plus an External”

    Lazer Weinberger
    2 months ago

    Please make a video on Activity monitor, I think you would be the best person to make this complicated app simple to understand, Thanks for all your videos!

    2 months ago

    Lazer: I have done many. Searching “Activity Monitor” in the search box right at the top of this page. https://macmost.com/?s=Activity+monitor

    Robert Douglass
    2 months ago

    Great tutorial! So many people misunderstand their decision to purchase a small-storage Mac Mini.
    In most cases, it's just not worth the extra effort. Just 'bite-the-bullet', and get sufficient internal storage.

    2 months ago

    Thanks bunches

    Donald A Tonks
    2 months ago

    This is why when I bought mine I wanted to wait and get the pro and I wanted to get everything in it at the maximum level of whatever it could be the highest ram the most of the others that you could get I didn’t wanna go any higher on terabytes besides two because to me that’s enough going into the future I’m buying into the future and I didn’t want any hiccups by playing a game or doing things like saving pictures or making a little bit of a video with one of the video editors so to me to buyt

    Mark Holmes
    2 months ago

    My wife has an older 2017 iMac (1TB) using about 650gb of that space. It has become extremely slow. I thought about buying an external and booting from that but now that I've listened to what you've had to say, I'm thinking maybe not. Would it help to make a clone of her HD and then wipe the drive clean and reinstall the OS and then restore her stuff from the backup? Or would that just bring along the same old issues? Thanks! Mark

    2 months ago

    Mark: Just figure out why it is slow. Something going on, like an app that is running or the drive being close to full is making it slow. Investigate that. Try things. I have videos on it. https://macmost.com/20-ways-to-fix-a-slow-mac.html

    1 month ago

    Two thumbs up, Gary! That's exactly why I chose a 4 terabyte drive on my MacBook Pro. I spend 7 months per year in the US and the rest in Europe; I used to have an iMac in either location and an old MacBook Pro that tyrave,led with me. This imvolced transporting tons of data on an external drive when I traveled from one location to the other. I sold all the other Macs; I have a 27" 5K display in either location and just my M1 laptop: no data to transfer, no external drive. Life is beautiful!

    Bruce Newburger
    1 month ago

    I have used pCloud as a mounted Drive for several years. Pay once and use for life. You have completely missed this option. I also attach the storage to all my computers so my data is available when I have internet access. Seems like a significant oversight.

    1 month ago

    Bruce: Never heard of pCloud, but I assume it is like all of the other cloud services (DropBox, Google Drive, OneDrive, etc). So the same as what I talk about in this video concerning iCloud Drive, just different companies.

    Vincent Cina
    1 month ago

    Excellent discussion. One thing that I would mention, especially on a non-mobile device like an iMac or a Mac Studio, is the use of the external drive as a Time Machine back-up. In that case, it is OK to go for a less expensive, slower drive with a large capacity since your use is typically not interactive.

    John Atkinson
    1 month ago

    I bought an M4 Mac Mini and a 2TB Zike SSD, and put my user folder on the external drive. Spotlight seems not to be indexing the drive. An Apple Support article, and at least one of your tutorials, advises to go to Settings>Spotlight>Search Privacy, add the drive to the "prevent indexing" list, save that, and then re-visit the list, remove the drive, and Spotlight should then rebuild the index, including the external one. After re-indexing, Spotlight still doesn't see Desktop files.Any idea?

    1 month ago

    John: Sorry, no. With your user folder on the external, there are likely to be issues. That's why I don't advise doing so.

    kathy kinan
    1 month ago

    Gary, I've been a Mac user for 20 years but never learned how the machine was organized– – your tutorials make me feel like I'm learning a different language. Regarding the best ways to use an external drive: can you provide a tutorial about how the files look and are accessed using the Finder? If you haven't done so already. Please thank you.

    1 month ago

    kathy: You can organize the external drive any way you like. I treat it the same way as a second Documents folder. I put a few folders on it, and then files inside those. How that looks for you depends entirely on how you use your Mac.

    1 month ago

    Referencing the comment from Vincent above, is there a downside to having the external drive also function as your Time Machine backup?

    1 month ago

    Great video! Thanks Gary!
    So what do you advise on backing up external drives? Say I have a 1TB external SSD that I use specifically for media files (as you suggested in the video). I know TimeMachine can also back up external drives, do you recommend that we do that? Just get a humongous external drive as the TimeMachine Drive, and plug the external in when backing up? or do you recommend that we back up the external drive separately? Thanks!

    1 month ago

    Cherry: Just get a large external HDD and use it to back up both the internal and external.

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