What’s New In macOS Ventura

This new major update to macOS includes lots of new features such as Stage Manager, send later in Mail, Live Captions, copy subject from photos, use your iPhone as a webcam and much more.

Comments: 9 Responses to “What’s New In macOS Ventura”

    Chaz Cone
    2 years ago

    They broke a feature in Ventura email that I need every day. I use text clippings a lot. Select and drag into an email. Now, instead of bringing in the text, it creates a .txt file attachment in the email. Text clippings still work fine dragging into into text edit. :(

    2 years ago

    Chaz: Still works for me. Try restarts and test other clippings. Try creating new ones, etc. Definitely works for me, both with plain text and rich text formats.

    2 years ago

    This might be off-subject, but I’m really upset that Apple decided to drop the 2015 iMac off the list of Ventura compatible machines. My 27 inch iMac works great and I see no reason to scrap it, shell out thousands to replace it. Sounds like unnecessary waste of money and resources in a world of mass consumption. Is this programmed obsolescence and money grab? I know you don’t like to get political, but I’d love to hear your take on this Gary. Is there a practical reason to drop the 2015 iMac?

    2 years ago

    JC: From a software development perspective you can't just keep including every old piece of hardware with every new OS version. You have to draw your line somewhere so the developers can build features for a specific range of devices. So do you tell them to support back to 2017? 2015? 2012? When? Every old computer supported means there is less they can do with the new software and makes it harder to test, fix bugs, etc. "Programmed obsolescence" is easy to say, but this is just how software development works for apps and operating systems, even websites.

    Gary Critchlow
    2 years ago

    Nice content on the video Gary. However in System Settings, under Privacy & Security, the lock icon which was bottom left of the page on the old System Preferences has now disappeared. So can you show us how you get to do an unlock to give an app security access permissions. I can't access this feature anymore and so my 3rd party antivirus program will not work. Hope you can add this into content for a newer video.

    2 years ago

    Gary: It should prompt you when you try to change the permission. For instance if I try to go into "Full Disk Access" and switch an app from off to on, I get a prompt to enter my password.

    2 years ago

    Love the QuickLook in Spotlight search and the ability to select multiple messages in Messages app (for group deletion, finally!). Gary, your clarity of teaching (and ability to never use um/ah/eh filler words) is the best in the Mac world.

    2 years ago

    Since upgrading to macOS Ventura, my permissions on my External Hardrive have been changed to "custom access" with no visible way of changing or unlocking. I have always created thumbnail previews for folders by Cmd I, A, C and V. Since the upgrade, it creates a file called "icon?" and doesn't allow the image to be displayed instead of the blue folder. I'm at a loss at to how change this in Ventura.

    Pat Maxim
    2 years ago

    May have missed this... noticed The Finder now has a consistent sync indicator/push button opposite top level iCloud Drive Folder I added to the left menu. When you hover, It is either a check mark in a small circle when up to date (left clicking shows when last sync'd) or a completion indicator in the small circle when not up to date (left click pushes sync action). Running 13.0 (22A380) on iMac Retina 5K, 27-inch, 2020.
    Thanks, for macmost!

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