Why You Should Consider an Online Backup

Even if you are already backup up with Time Machine locally, you should consider having an online backup as well. Here are the reasons you may want to have a second backup online, or why you may be fine just using Time Machine and iCloud.

Comments: 12 Responses to “Why You Should Consider an Online Backup”

    11 months ago

    Thanks bunched

    11 months ago

    Hi Gary, Great and very helpful video, thank you.
    If you store the documents file in iCloud does Time Machine back up these files in iCloud each time it runs? Is the Time Machine history available in the same way for different versions of files stored on iCloud?
    Thanks, Stephen

    11 months ago

    Gary, excellent video. I have one follow up, can you comment on security concerns / considerations? Thank you.

    11 months ago

    Joel: Not sure what you are asking about. Online backups would be encrypted with your passkey so I have not concerns about security myself. My main security concern would be NOT doing an online backup and then risking losing all my files because they are at the same location.

    Joseph Quinn
    11 months ago

    Many thanks. Very useful.

    Frank Scully
    11 months ago

    Like you I use BackBlaze. One key advantage of this is their versioning allows for more than one time frame within any day, whereas Time Machine crops it down too one copy after 24 hours and then after a month time machine keeps only a weekly copy. Beyond one year Backblaze offers a paid option and depending on how much external disk so would Time machine. Thanks for the video Gary. It is shocking how many people don’t backup, hopefully you saved someone from a disaster.

    10 months ago

    Gary, apologies for the slow response. Two follow ups:

    1. Security: I was referring to Backblase not being having zero-knowledge security (i.e., the user needs to send their private security key to restore files). Is this a concern?

    2. Imaging: I read that Backblaze does not create a disk image. Is this a concern?

    I ask because I am leaning towards Backblze because of its ease of use but am also considering iDrive which fills these holes (though it is more costly).

    Thank you.

    10 months ago

    Joel: That's something you have to decide for yourself. But what is your alternative? NOT to have an online backup? That obviously has issues. As for images, not sure what the concern would be about that. No solution is going to be perfect. Maybe for your ultra-high level of concern you should seek firsthand advice from a expert that can set something up for you.

    Joel Cohen
    10 months ago

    Gary, appreciated. The alternative is iDrive (i.e., I am comparing Backblaze with iDrive). Thank you.

    10 months ago

    Joel: I'd just compare them both and use the one that better fits your needs and budget.

    10 months ago

    Gary, much appreciated and will do. I am testing iDrive and Backblaze and the moment. I would be happy to share my results should you wish.

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