10 Fun Ways To Customize Your Mac Without Adding More Apps

You can highly customize what your Mac looks like without having to buy or download any new software. You can change the Destkop background, move the Dock, make folder names and icons more interesting, add notes and pictures with Stickies, change the system alter sound and so much more.

Comments: 7 Responses to “10 Fun Ways To Customize Your Mac Without Adding More Apps”

    5 years ago

    Can you tell me where to find the pictures you used for changing the folder icons (Pics, Ideas, Recipes etc.)? They look great! Thanks!

    5 years ago

    Dirk: Flaticon.com.

    5 years ago

    Greetings: Looking at System Preferences under tab-Desktop: I see you have a folder named "Desktop Backgrounds" in your "Photos" and under "Folders." Is the Desktop Backgrounds-folder created twice; one in Photos App and one in Picture in the Finder. Hoping this is not confusing.


    5 years ago

    hi Gary, quick note before my question. Under System Preferences>Desktop>Apple Desktop Pictures I noticed if you select certain photos on the top rows, the Change Picture option is greyed out, but if you select others, the option becomes available. Question: the Menu Bar shows my full User Name spelled out, how do I change that to just the icon? I can't find that option. Thanks

    5 years ago

    Nick: I think the ones that are grayed out are the system ones. They aren't stored with the others, so there is nothing to change to that is in the same location. To change the menu name, go to System Preferences, Users & Groups, Login Options and it is there.

    5 years ago

    Hugh: Not sure what you mean by "created twice" -- you'll see two different items there, both which happen to have the same name.

    5 years ago

    thanks Gary, always learn something from MacMost. I looked at that menu but hadn't realized Login Options was a clickable item, thought it was just the name of the screen :)

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