10 Mac Keynote Tips

Learn some powerful techniques to help you master Keynote. You can easily add animation to your presentations, as well as live video, dynamic backgrounds, animated charts and more.

Comments: 10 Responses to “10 Mac Keynote Tips”

    2 weeks ago

    DANG GARY! I thought I was a master of Keynote. Turns out I'm not. Wow! I learned so many tricks watching this video. Well done, Gary once again, well done.

    Dan B
    2 weeks ago

    Another excellent video. I'm a long time Keynote user and I learned a few things. One other things that I have found very useful is that when using your iPhone as the remote control, the presenter's notes can show up on the iPhone, so you can move around the room and still have access to your note.

    2 weeks ago

    How compatible are Keynote and PowerPoint? Can I open a Keynote presentation in PowerPoint and vice versa?

    2 weeks ago

    Jonathan: I don't think PowerPoint has any way to open a Keynote presentation. Microsoft just ignores Keynote. So you would want to export the Keynote presentation in PowerPoint format, and then open that exported file in PowerPoint. But it won't look the same as the two apps have different capabilities. What is it you are trying to do, exactly? "Why" do you want to open a Keynote presentation in PowerPoint instead of just presenting it with Keynote?

    2 weeks ago

    A lot of business computers are pc’s so they don’t have Keynote. I never used Keynote but based on your video it has a lot of really nice functionality. I guess there’s no way of bringing some of the functionality at least to a PC.

    2 weeks ago

    Great.. I have learned few more tricks. I am self-taught Keynote user since 2009 at age 78. I produced about 80+ short videos monthly (3-5 minutes) to celebrate my college classmates birthdays and memories adding music from GarageBand on private FB and YouTube sites. I love it! Always more to learn. I have been able to answer my questions. I also make a PDF file so the pictures from the 60's can be viewed individually. Thank you!

    2 weeks ago

    Jonathan: It really depends on what "functionality" you want. Usually you use it to make presentations to give in meeting rooms and classrooms. It doesn't matter what other people have, as you are the one presenting.

    Al Trivett
    2 weeks ago

    Great video Gary! Very helpful to understand the feature gems in Keynote

    2 weeks ago

    Thanks bunches

    3 days ago

    Great stuff as always!

    I have just been trying the Image Gallery facility and am wondering if there is a way to reposition a photo within the frame because the frame size is the same for all photos in the gallery and sometimes parts of a photo are out of frame.

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