10 Tips and Tricks For Taking Screenshots On Your Mac

Here are some tips if you are ready to move beyond taking simple screenshots. You can have screenshots go directly into apps or save to a location of your choice, change the image type to get smaller files, and streamline the process with hidden keyboard shortcuts.

Here are some of the Terminal commands mentioned:
Get rid of the shadow:

defaults write com.apple.screencapture disable-shadow false; killall SystemUIServer

Change to true to re-enable the shadow.

Change type of file:

defaults write com.apple.screencapture type JPG; killall SystemUIServer

You can use PNG, GIF or PDF as well.

Comments: 6 Responses to “10 Tips and Tricks For Taking Screenshots On Your Mac”

    3 years ago

    Brilliant information thanks Gary.

    3 years ago

    Hi, Gary. The above mentioned terminal command didn't work on my Mac. After googling, I found that 'defaults write com.apple.screencapture disable-shadow -bool true' does the trick. Thanks for the tip.

    Tom Craig
    3 years ago

    Hi Gary,

    I've been using screenshots for some time now, but after watching your video, I realized how many options I was not aware of! Thanks - I will save lots of time for future work.

    Mark Holmes
    3 years ago

    I was trying to do a screenshot of a complete page on Safari. Normally you get the entire screen, but I want the part you can't see below the bottom of the page and need to scroll to view. I saw this tip which works fine but does require a few steps -https://www.idownloadblog.com/2021/04/08/capture-full-page-screenshots-safari-firefox-chrome-mac/. Just wondered if there was a quicker, simpler method?

    Mark Holmes
    3 years ago

    When I select the screenshot app on my m1iMac running Monterey and click on Message as my destination, nothing happens. I would expect an iMessage window to pop up, but that doesn't happen. All the other destinations seem to work fine, but Messages just doesn't appear. Thoughts on that? I'm running OS 12.1.

    3 years ago

    Mark: As for Messages, a bug I guess? As for web page screenshots on a Mac, just use Firefox when you need that. https://macmost.com/screen-capture-entire-web-pages-on-your-mac.html

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