10 Ways To Move Files From One Folder To Another In the Finder

There are many different ways to move files in the Finder, so if you think moving files is difficult or complex, check out these methods to find one that works better for you. This tutorial also includes a ton of Finder tips and tricks.

Comments: 9 Responses to “10 Ways To Move Files From One Folder To Another In the Finder”

    3 months ago

    Thanks bunches

    Tom Gonser
    3 months ago

    Gary -- A good example of how MacMost is uniquely able to provide practical important information to its audience. I've looked at a number of different Apple oriented resources, but with your focused approach and clear messaging I know I'm at the right destination for me. I would hope that others that share this view are supporting your efforts through the Patreon program.

    Michael Armstrong
    3 months ago

    Great practical tips.

    3 months ago

    Tom: Thanks!

    Mark Wright
    3 months ago

    Your moving too fast for newbies. You open and click on submenus before I can grasp where the curser went.

    3 months ago

    Mark: You can control the speed of the video. Click on the little settings icon at the bottom of the video (looks like a gear or cog) and you can set it to the speed you like. You can also pause, resume and rewind as much as you like.

    Michael Rodgers
    3 months ago

    In the second method using the Search function, it seemed like the "click and drag" did a copy instead of a move. Was that the case? Also, is there any requirement for the folders to be on the same physical drive for "click and drag" to do a move instead of a copy? I find often that "click and drag" does a copy on my Mac.


    3 months ago

    Michael: It should do a move. But if you go from one drive to another, it copies. That's how all drags work: between drives it copies instead of moves which makes sense since it wouldn't be a move but a copy + delete otherwise. You can force it to "move" by holding the Command key when dragging between drives.

    DiAnn Bottomley
    3 months ago

    Thanks for this video. I love how you make it easier for me to understand ways to do what I want to do. I can get so lost when trying to figure out how to make things work the way I want/need them to be in order for me to remember where & how I put things & how that all works together. Still learning and so glad I am able to reference all your video's when needed to do/learn specific functions.

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