Apple released its quarterly results yesterday, beating most expectations and its own forecasts. They reports 2.5 million Macs sold, 1.79 of which were MacBooks. About 22.7 million iPods were sold, also a record, and 4.4 million iPhones. This was the first time that Apple had more than $10 billion in revenue. Even sales of Apple TV units were up.
Apple also answered some questions with a call after the release of the results. No iPhone nano is planned, and Apple is only watching the netbook space, not wanting to get in to low-end hardware. Tim Cook reiterated that Steve Jobs is still the CEO Apple and will be involved in major decisions.
In other news this week, Apple quietly updated the $999 white MacBook with a new video chipset. It also has a faster processor and comes with more memory. This is a surprise as it was assumed that the white MacBook was on its way out to be completely replaced with the new unibody aluminum model. The white MacBook also includes a Firewire port, making it an ideal budget laptop for those who do some video work.