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How To Move Apple Mail Mailboxes To Catalina On New Computer?

I have mailboxes designated as “On My Mac” in High Sierra to move to new computer with Catalina. New Computer is 27″ desk top . Mailboxes that were designated icloud all moved but those designated as being “on my Mac” did not. Have been advised that going to Library and moving the “V5” could cause a major crash on the High Sierra computer. Apple mail has become unstable in High Sierra with previous deleting and moving of mailboxes. Looking for a simple way to over 30 mailboxes and some have sub-mailboxes. All was done to simplify storage of emails. Most of the emails came thru gmail others thru embarqmail or yahoo .
Lori G.

Comments: 4 Responses to “How To Move Apple Mail Mailboxes To Catalina On New Computer?”

    5 years ago

    What did you do to set up your new computer? If you used Migration Assistant, then it should have moved all "local" data like those mailboxes over to your new computer.

    One thing you can do is to select a On My Mac mailbox and use Mailbox, Export Mailbox. Then you should get an mbox file from that. You can then move that to your new Mac and use File, Import Mailboxes to bring that in. Try it with one mailbox and see how it works.

    Lori G
    5 years ago

    I did not use Migration assist. While doing the initial set-up all of a sudden I noticed my desktop icons had migrated over... then check other files which were all icloud related had come over. Anything that wasn't specifically save in icloud did not come over. I've tried what you suggested but still can't get it to move because "On My Mac" doesn't show up when I am looking to export or import. I am working from my old computer . If I go to file and select import then "On My Mac" isn't ther

    5 years ago

    Lori: On your old Mac, select the mailbox on the left sidebar first, then use Mailbox, Export Mailbox. That will give you an mbox file. You move that file to your new Mac. Then using File, Import Mailboxes and choose that mbox file. I don't know what you mean by "doesn't show up."

    5 years ago

    So many folks save emails in mailboxes they set up. I find it easier to open the email and go to the File Menu and choose save as, give it a name if I need to and save it to my document file under the subject.

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