How Many Mac Third-Party App Installs Work

New Mac users are often confused about how third-party apps from web sites are installed. After downloading, all you get it is a file that when opened just shows the app with an arrow and folder. Here's what to do next.

Comments: 7 Responses to “How Many Mac Third-Party App Installs Work”

    4 months ago

    I'm surprised you didn't show an example of an Open source download.

    4 months ago

    Bill: Whether an app is open source doesn't matter. It can use this same process or something else.

    Bent Tjørnemark
    4 months ago

    I found it very useful. Now I understand a concept, which I have met before without really understanding what was going on. Thanks.

    4 months ago

    Gary, what I mean is the range of questions you get when you drag the .dmg to the applications folder and try to install the Open source app.

    4 months ago

    Bill: What sort of questions? There's really nothing about open source apps that would make the process any different than non-open source apps.

    4 months ago

    Try to install ***.


    4 months ago

    Bill: The app you mentioned works the same way as what I show here. You download it, get a disk image, then drag it to the Application folder alias. Perhaps you get some questions when you run it for the first time? Is that what you mean? Either way, it has nothing to do with whether it is an "open source" app or not.

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