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How Do I Stop Windows Going Full Screen When Moved?

Since the latest update when I open and move (drag/drop)a window/file it opens up in full screen – this is really annoying and I would be grateful for a fix.

I’m just trying to do what I’ve always done and move open files around the screen without them expanding.

Comments: 2 Responses to “How Do I Stop Windows Going Full Screen When Moved?”

    5 days ago

    Sounds like you are triggering the new window tiling feature. But that should only happen if you drag it up to the top. So the best way to avoid this is to learn how Window Tiling works so you can avoid that gesture as you move the windows. See

    You'll note in the video I also show the settings for this feature. One of them is the ability to turn it off in System Settings, Desktop & Dock. SO you could resort to switching off the gesture that you are accidentally triggering.

    Steve H
    3 days ago

    Many thanks, very informative.

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