10 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do With Just the Keyboard
It may seem that there are things you cannot do on your Mac without using the mouse or trackpad. But there are usually keyboard commands and shortcuts that will allow you to keep your fingers on the keyboard if you prefer.
Comments: 3 Responses to “10 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do With Just the Keyboard”
Jose Vasquez
3 months ago
Just wanted to add the space bar to scroll a webpage option. So many things that can be done with the keyboard that I have not yet implemented. Thanks for the reminder to do so.
2 months ago
Thanks bunches
mark has
2 months ago
Just bought new M4 MacMini with Apple Extended Keyboard.
Just wanted to add the space bar to scroll a webpage option. So many things that can be done with the keyboard that I have not yet implemented. Thanks for the reminder to do so.
Thanks bunches
Just bought new M4 MacMini with Apple Extended Keyboard.
There is a NEW KEY, "Contextual Menu" key:
"Use your keyboard to right-click. Use the new Contextual Menu key to open a shortcut menu with your keyboard."
If not using Apple Extended Keyboard, do you know key combination for Contextual Menu?
Long time mac user, thanks for video, some new and forgoten tips!