Adding Custom Menu Keyboard Shortcuts

If a menu item in an app doesn't have a keyboard shortcut, you can always add one through System Preferences. You can also change keyboard shortcuts for menu items that already have one. This is a built-in system function so it works with almost any app.

Comments: 19 Responses to “Adding Custom Menu Keyboard Shortcuts”

    Bruce Holland
    9 years ago

    Hi Gary. Can you help. I followed your instructions on this video. In Pages I tried to set up a short cut for "Start Speaking". I set it up only for Pages. The short cut I entered was shift/option/z. It shows up when I go to Edit/Speech/Start Speaking as you said it would. But when I use I highlight a piece of text in Pages and push the keys "Shift/option/Z" the text just disappears. Can you help please.

      9 years ago

      Try using a different shortcut that uses the Command key in addition to others. I think you are just typing that character.

    Print Path
    9 years ago

    Hi Gary, In pages I would love to make a shortcut for things that have 2 layers of choice. For example, "Mask with Shape" and then "Rounded Rectangle". Is that possible? I tried both 'command M' and 'alt M' for "Mask with Shape" without success.
    Thanks for this great post Gary!

      9 years ago

      Doesn't matter how deep the menu item is. Try a more obscure shortcut as those are probably already in use.

    9 years ago

    I tried to add shortcut to Quicken. I tried "Print Checks..." and used commd-opt-P. Doesn't appear in menu and doesn't work. Where have erred???

      9 years ago

      Did you try three periods? You'll probably need to do a true ellipsis character. That's Option plus the ; key.

        9 years ago

        Tried the ellipsis, still no shortcut.

    9 years ago

    which should be chosen in preferences, Text Boxes and lists only or All controls?

      9 years ago

      That's for Keyboard Access, nothing to do with these shortcuts.

    9 years ago

    Tried the ellipsis character, still no shortcut.

      9 years ago

      Maybe there is a conflict. Try a more obscure character sequence.

        9 years ago

        Tried Contr-opt-P, still not shortcut. I checked all the other shortcuts in order to avoid any possible conflict.

    jasper robinson
    9 years ago

    Most of the problems that I have with shortcuts are the result of shortcut clashes (i.e., the same shortcut being used for two purposes). This could be avoided if there were a way to view all of the currently-used shortcuts to allow manual checking - is this possible please?

      9 years ago

      I don't know of any way. Some apps have hundreds of them, and some people have hundreds of apps. So that would be a long list.

    Tripp Frohlichstein
    9 years ago

    Using Keynote, I regularly need to use an advanced option to get to "character fill color." I can't find it in the menu bar. It takes three clicks every time. Is there a way to set up a keyboard shortcut using the basic Mac functions or do I need to get another app?

      9 years ago

      What are you trying to do, exactly? Do you want to set the character fill color to something specific? If so, look into using styles in Keynote.

    9 years ago

    Any way to get a shortcut (or is there) to toggle between the Notification Center tabs: Today and Notifications

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