Multi-Step Keyboard Shortcuts You Should Know

Sometimes more than one keyboard shortcut can be use in rapid succession to perform an action. Here are some examples of combining keyboard shortcuts to perform various tasks and increase your productivity.

Comments: 6 Responses to “Multi-Step Keyboard Shortcuts You Should Know”

    Roy Whelden
    8 months ago

    Amazing and useful!

    Ken Nellis
    8 months ago

    When creating the new keyboard shortcut, I was surprised it matched on 3 dots that you entered rather than the ellipsis (…) (entered with Option-semicolon). Maybe it translates automatically?

    8 months ago

    I love the double command-P to Save as PDF. Been using it for years. PDF super power!!

    8 months ago

    Ken: Yes, it takes either in order to avoid confusion.

    Norman Probst
    8 months ago

    Really helpful video. I will definitely use the Command-P keyboard shortcuts for saving and opening documents in Preview. Saves a lot of time.

    8 months ago

    That's a really useful tutorial. The command-P shortcut is now in use. Thanks Gary.

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