Apple Store Anniversary, Apple Fights Patent Troll and Malware

In celebration of the 10th anniversary of the first Apple Store, all of the stores received an upgrade this week. The upgrade consisted of new table displays with iPads next to each product displaying prices and details. Customers can also use the iPads to call over a store employee.
When Lodsys threatened to sue iOS app developers, claiming that they owned the patent on in-app purchases, it sent a chill through the app development community. Apple came to their defense this week firing back at Lodsys saying that they had licensed the patent from them, and that Apple’s license covers developers. Developers reacted enthusiastically to Apple’s support.
Apple shifted its position on dealing with the Mac Defender malware this week. A new support page appeared at the Apple site with details on how to avoid and/or remove the malware. It also stated that a coming update to OS X will make the system immune to the threat.