MacMost: Archives

Learn how to check the system profiler to see how much memory your computer has, what type of memory it is, and how it is broken up per slot.
Learn how to create a to-do list using the iCal application that comes standard on all Macs.
In this tutorial Gary shows how to post video on a Web site for viewing with an iPhone.

This week on MacMost episode 15 we bring you iPhone news and much more. The iPhone has not yet been hacked, but one in three people surveyed say they plan to buy one. Also, 90% of iPhone owners surveyed said they are “extremely” or “very” happy with their new purchase. Macy’s will have new robotic iPod vending machines. Apple and Def Jam Records president Jay-Z may be forming a new Apple record label. Our Quick Tip shows you how to convert videos from you Mac for use on your iPod. This week’s tutorial shows you how to put iPhone compatible video on your website. Our Must Download for this week is iGlasses. For MacMost Loot, our contest segment, we ask, “Who was the graphic designer who designed the original rainbow Apple logo?”


This week on MacMost episode 14, we continue our extensive iPhone coverage with updated information about AT&T sales records, the iPhone locator feature, and parody another iPhone commercial. We also introduce you to several iPhone games exclusively created by MacMost for the iPhone. Our Quick Tip shows you how to make an On the Go playlist for your iPod. This week’s tutorial shows you how to type faster on the iPhone. Our Must Bookmark site for this week is For MacMost Loot, our contest segment, we ask, “In what year did Adobe first release Photoshop for the Mac?”

Gary from shows how to make a headphone adapter for the iPhone.

MacMost demos games it has developed and are working on the iPhone. Check them out and then play them for free at


Gary from walks through all the main iPhone features, including calendar, YouTube, stocks, phone, Google maps, mail and iPod features.


Gary From un-boxes and activates an iPhone.


The Denver Apple Store opening at 6 PM and the iPhone buying frenzy.

6/29/07 correspondent, Eve Park interviews the first people in line for the Apple iPhone at the Aspen Grove Apple Store in Colorado.


This is the first in a series of special reports on iDay, or the iPhone release.

In this report host Molly Stanberry interviews people in line for the Apple iPhone, which is to go on sale at 6PM local time.


We’ve been here 5+ hours. Not too much going on. The Apple Store itself looks oddly normal. The line starts about 20 feet away. The first person here showed up at 2:30 a.m. and played cat and mouse with mall security to secure his space in line. So far, everyone we talked to is actually buying one for themselves, though the profiteers may just be reluctant to talk.
We’ll have some video up soon.
Molly, Layle, Eve and Gary in line


MacMost is in line at the Apple Store in the Cherry Creek Mall, Denver. We arrived at about 8:30 and were about 50th in line. Here are some pictures. We’ll be reporting all day, and posting video as well.
The line at 8:30 a.m.
The line at 8:30 a.m.

Gary shows us how to open an iTunes account.

We’ve posted a few games up at our iPhone Games section. We don’t know if these will work with the iPhone or not, as we don’t have one to test with. They use a couple of different technologies. If you have an iPhone, please test and give us some feedback. Thanks.


This week during MacMost episode 13, we explore iPhone mania and report that iTunes is the #3 music retailer in the U.S. Our Quick Tip shows you how to use iTunes to listen to an internet radio station. This week’s tutorial shows you how to start an iTunes account, which you’ll need for your new iPhone. We also feature Google Docs as this week’s Must Bookmark site.
(Episode lost?)

Jay from demonstrates how to Change keyboard shortcut assignments on your Mac.

This week during MacMost episode 12, we inform you that Apple has canceled all personal shopping appointments for June 29th and note the pre-release iPhone improvements. Our Quick Tip shows you how to rename color labels. This week’s tutorial shows you how to change keyboard shortcut assignments. We feature the Internet Movie Database as our Must Bookmark site.


MacMost Episode 11
MacMost News: WWDC 2007, Leapord Features, Safari For Windows
Tip: Creating Folders
Tutorial: How to make a Mail filter
Must Download: Flip4Mac