Building a Retirement Planning Spreadsheet In Numbers
Learn some Numbers spreadsheet skills by building a simple retirement planning table and chart. Learn how to use basic formulas to calculate how savings will grow with contributions and interest each year.
Want to know more about how to use Numbers on your Mac? Check out this MacMost course!
Comments: 3 Responses to “Building a Retirement Planning Spreadsheet In Numbers”
7 months ago
In the very first ad for his new computer, (he called it "Apple), Steve Jobs said: "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." Another clear and simple tutorial, Gary. Thanks!
Richard Barnsley
7 months ago
A spreadsheet to show folks how much
an item will really cost if they are living on credit card financing and only paying down a portion of the debt each month and in some cases losing ground on ever getting it paid off might be a helpful as well.
kathy kinan
7 months ago
gary. i just recently eliminated all the microsoft programs on my machine. this tutorial was amazingly timely. thank you.
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In the very first ad for his new computer, (he called it "Apple), Steve Jobs said: "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." Another clear and simple tutorial, Gary. Thanks!
A spreadsheet to show folks how much
an item will really cost if they are living on credit card financing and only paying down a portion of the debt each month and in some cases losing ground on ever getting it paid off might be a helpful as well.
gary. i just recently eliminated all the microsoft programs on my machine. this tutorial was amazingly timely. thank you.