Clipping Masks in Pixelmator Pro

Clipping Masks are a useful technique to be able to use only part of an image masked into a specific shape without destroying the image in the layer. You can use it to easily create sculpted images in Pages, Keynote or iMovie.

Comments: 4 Responses to “Clipping Masks in Pixelmator Pro”

    1 year ago

    Very useful. I dabbled with this before but never quite got it right. I am sure to have better success having now watched the video. Thanks Gary.

    10 months ago

    Gary, at 3:56 you delete the transparent pixels, I'm trying to figure out why it's still showing transparent pixels in the small areas between the rounded and right-angle corners. thx

    10 months ago

    nick: Not sure what you mean. It is showing the checkerboard pattern in the corners, signifying transparency.

    10 months ago

    Never mind...I was thinking it should be black

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