Expanding Your Save As PDF Options

You may already know how you can print and then use Save As PDF to save a PDF of almost anything on your Mac. But you can also add to that menu, creating convenient locations to save PDFs without needing to search for folders. You can also indicate applications that handle PDFs to send a PDF version of your document directly to that app.

Comments: 17 Responses to “Expanding Your Save As PDF Options”

    7 years ago

    Your videos are concise, packed with information and presented in a way that anyone can grasp. This one a real gem. I would be interested to know how people would take advantage of this interesting find. I am sue the scripting part would produce some interesting work flows. I am so glad I subscribed to this site. Please keep those great tips coming.

    Jerry Lieberg
    7 years ago

    Great tip!! 3 Questions. 1) Is there a way to keep the saved PDF file from splitting lines of text vertically across two pages? 2) Is there a way to specify to save text only deleting images? 3) Can this tip be implemented to save web content to Pages, Word, Keynote or other programs?

    7 years ago

    Gary, unfortunately "alias" concept is over my paygrade but I would like to, as with ScanSnap scanner, be able to save to Evernote as .pdf.

    7 years ago

    Jerry: 1) The PDF will be drawn just as instructed by the content. So if it is breaking the pages where you don't want it to, just adjust as you would with print. For instance, try changing the orientation or scale in the Print dialog before selecting to save as a PDF. 2) No, but some web pages and such have print-friendly versions available. 3) This tip is for PDFs. Converting a web page to something like Pages, Word or Keynote isn't a trivial thing and I'm not sure how it could ever be "automatically" done.

    7 years ago

    Paul: I don't use Evernote, but I believe that when you install it you get exactly such a function. I'd inquire at Evernote forums/support about it.

    Paul Harrigan
    7 years ago

    Loved the video!

    You mentioned at the end of the video that you can also add scripts to the "Print PDF" dropdown menu. Do you have a tutorial on this.

    7 years ago

    Paul: No, not really. That's a big subject. It played around with it and you'd need some good AppleScript/JavaScript skills to make a useful script. So I'm not sure I'd ever cover it here.

    David Smith
    7 years ago

    There were many choices under the “Edit Menu” option, but only two or three showed up in the “Edit Menu” window pane. Who created those (system defaults?) and are they not editable?

    7 years ago

    David: There is more in the menu than the folders and scripts you can add. The others are default functionality, part of macOS. Those would not be editable.

    7 years ago

    Thank you, Gary. I've been saving as PDF for a very long time but never looked at the other options. I created a work around for web receipts. This will simplify things. Saving articles to a specific folder is exactly what I have been looking to do. Love your videos, Gary. I always learn something!

    7 years ago

    Paul: Yes, you can "Save to Evernote" in the Print to PDF list,

    7 years ago

    I rarely print to paper. Daily to PDF. Is there a way to change the default from a printer to PDF? Perhaps a setting in Safari's plist file.

    7 years ago

    Larry: There is already an Export as PDF command in the File menu in Safari.

    7 years ago

    Thanks. I hadn't noticed this has been added. We get so used to Safari, we miss the new stuff. Wouldn't it be nice if Apple documented every thing they add/change.

    7 years ago

    Is there a way to save a webloc file instead of a pdf with this route?

    The only way I know to do this is dragging from Safari’s url bar, which is awkward if Safari is full screen.

    Paul: Evernote has a nice web clipper for safari. You get a choice of formats. I think one will be pdf

    7 years ago

    Jasper: No, since a webloc doesn't really have anything to do with printing, it is more of a bookmark. Maybe use bookmarks instead, or perhaps the Share menu if the idea is to send the location to somewhere else? The Share menu can also save locations to Notes and Reminders if you are trying to gather some locations together.

    Jasper Robinson
    7 years ago

    Ok thanks, Gary.

    I like to keep webloc files for projects that need a standard folder structure.

    ATM, the easiest way for me to do this is by dragging the URL from the bar in Safari to an app called 'Space Drop', which holds a copy in a small space at the corner of my screen. I can then move to a Finder window and drag the webloc file from Space Drop to Finder into the folder with all the standard files.

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