Tired of videos with mild productivity tips that are just minor tweaks to how you already work? Here are some extreme productivity ideas for Mac users that can really shake things up.
Comments: 9 Responses to “Extreme Mac Productivity Ideas”
Jim Terrinoni
6 months ago
Very useful. Things I do similar to Gary’s ideas
1. Once per day watch a MacMost video, either new one or a repeat
2. Use a VERY small mouse which resides right on top of my MacBook Pro. I don’t need to find a desk anywhere. The right corner of the laptop is my desk footprint. When not using the mouse I push it to the upper right next to the screen to the right of Delete key. This forces me to a) use the keyboard more often and b) not wasti time trying to finding the mouse
6 months ago
Thanks bunches
5 months ago
Inbox Zero rermains one of the most powerful productivity tools I've evern learned and grocked. Further, it's stood the test of time, having learned about it back in 2004. Great to hear others are still using it. Thanks as always, Gary.
Bernard Caddy
5 months ago
So after watching this I adopted 'zero email'. OK, I've not quite managed zero, but as good as - and the other thing it's lead to I realised how much I was getting that I didn't really want, so lots of 'unsubscribes'. I know I can pull from those places when I need them, and zero mail made me realise so many regular incoming mails are noise. So I suggest an additional extreme idea - never click to subscribe to anything, always go for 'pull' when you need it rather than 'push' when they want it
5 months ago
Wow! Very challenging ideas!
Jak G
5 months ago
I already make use of Inbox Zero, for both my Gmail, and my work email. Although I do make a point of tagging/categorising all my emails before archiving them - in both Gmail and Outlook - this allows for search by category/tag. Aside from those emails I delete. I like the idea of Voice Control, but in a cubicle environment, I'm a bit embarrassed to be continually talking at the computer. I didn't know about the Accessibility white noise, thanks for that.
5 months ago
People keep tabs open for a month? Wow!
5 months ago
Totally agree with Inbox. I just helped a friend of mine clean out her Yahoo mail that had 198K emails, one half unread. Drives me nuts!
I use my inbox as my To-Do box. Usually no more than 7 -10 max. Once they are read, they either get archived, trashed, moved into a folder (that they are already assigned to by a rule), or stay there until action is complete.
Loved your other ideas!! THANK YOU.
5 months ago
If you are comfortable with the Terminal, you can be more extreme!
Open Terminal and type:
1. "defaults write com.apple.finder CreateDesktop -bool false; killall Finder": macOS will not create a Desktop at all.
2. "defaults write com.apple.dock single-app -bool true; killall Dock": macOS will only show one app at a time even if not in full screen mode.
Invert true/false to revert.
I also complement 1. with locking the Desktop folder (right click on the folder, "Get Info", check "Locked".
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Very useful. Things I do similar to Gary’s ideas
1. Once per day watch a MacMost video, either new one or a repeat
2. Use a VERY small mouse which resides right on top of my MacBook Pro. I don’t need to find a desk anywhere. The right corner of the laptop is my desk footprint. When not using the mouse I push it to the upper right next to the screen to the right of Delete key. This forces me to a) use the keyboard more often and b) not wasti time trying to finding the mouse
Thanks bunches
Inbox Zero rermains one of the most powerful productivity tools I've evern learned and grocked. Further, it's stood the test of time, having learned about it back in 2004. Great to hear others are still using it. Thanks as always, Gary.
So after watching this I adopted 'zero email'. OK, I've not quite managed zero, but as good as - and the other thing it's lead to I realised how much I was getting that I didn't really want, so lots of 'unsubscribes'. I know I can pull from those places when I need them, and zero mail made me realise so many regular incoming mails are noise. So I suggest an additional extreme idea - never click to subscribe to anything, always go for 'pull' when you need it rather than 'push' when they want it
Wow! Very challenging ideas!
I already make use of Inbox Zero, for both my Gmail, and my work email. Although I do make a point of tagging/categorising all my emails before archiving them - in both Gmail and Outlook - this allows for search by category/tag. Aside from those emails I delete. I like the idea of Voice Control, but in a cubicle environment, I'm a bit embarrassed to be continually talking at the computer. I didn't know about the Accessibility white noise, thanks for that.
People keep tabs open for a month? Wow!
Totally agree with Inbox. I just helped a friend of mine clean out her Yahoo mail that had 198K emails, one half unread. Drives me nuts!
I use my inbox as my To-Do box. Usually no more than 7 -10 max. Once they are read, they either get archived, trashed, moved into a folder (that they are already assigned to by a rule), or stay there until action is complete.
Loved your other ideas!! THANK YOU.
If you are comfortable with the Terminal, you can be more extreme!
Open Terminal and type:
1. "defaults write com.apple.finder CreateDesktop -bool false; killall Finder": macOS will not create a Desktop at all.
2. "defaults write com.apple.dock single-app -bool true; killall Dock": macOS will only show one app at a time even if not in full screen mode.
Invert true/false to revert.
I also complement 1. with locking the Desktop folder (right click on the folder, "Get Info", check "Locked".