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Where Did My Mac File Go?
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Thank you. Always enjoy and learn from your videos. This was a great video. Know I have a hundred duplicates because I can't find the original item. Will need to work on this issue for the next century.
I have lost saved items into the Clipboard but I can never find the Clipboard. Where is it?
Eugenia: The "clipboard" is the buffer that holds something, like a piece of text, when you "copy" it, so you can "paste" it later. You can't lose files in the clipboard. What, exactly, are you doing, and what message or other thing happens to make you think you lost the file?
Thanks bunches....I lost a file the other day
Editing a file name in the title of a Pages document is a favorite feature and works well. However changing the storage location in the title does not work. What am I missing? macOS 15.3.2
Like many when I upgraded to Sequoia, indexing (Spotlight) failed. In Spotlight settings, I moved the entire drive into the privacy box, then out again. That didn't solve the problem. Next the terminal commands sudo mdutil -Eia off followed by sudo mdutil -Eia on. It made it better, but still didn't find all my files. The only thing that works is to pull ALL the files out of folders, recreate folders, then put the files back in. Per discussion boards, I'm not alone.
Chris: Not sure what you are doing exactly. What steps are you taking and what is the result?