Find the Largest Files In the Mac Photos App

If you need to figure out which items in your Mac Photos Library are taking up the most space, you can't do it in the Photos app. But you can create a simple Shortcut to examine the photos and videos in your library and create an album showing you the largest items.

Comments: 12 Responses to “Find the Largest Files In the Mac Photos App”

    Joel D Canfield
    7 days ago

    I *always* forget the Shortcuts app. I do lots in AppleScript and Raycast, and all kinds of shell scripting automation, but some stuff is just so much easier using the native app. This is something I've needed to do for ages but really had no clue how to do it.

    7 days ago

    Thanks bunches

    6 days ago

    Thanks Gary, that's a clever solution, but it does beg the question why Apple did not built that functionality within the Photos app. Given that "Size" is another parameter of the photo, like date etc, I would not think it should be that far fetched to include it. It would be another step closer to a complete photo management app.

    Peter Eckle
    6 days ago

    Where/how do I find the shirt cuts app?

    Justine Murdy
    6 days ago

    Why might this not work? I've set up the short cut as you explain in the video but I am not seeing the album.

    Jim Pyle
    6 days ago


    I've got a problem that you've apparently already solved. This shortcut always sorts my System Photo Library, no matter which library I actually have open.

    5 days ago

    This does not work if majority of your photos are in icloud and not offline available?

    5 days ago

    Peter: The Shortcuts app is part of macOS. You already have it.

    5 days ago

    Justine: Sorry, I don't know where you could be going wrong. Check each thing carefully.

    5 days ago

    Vlodi: Not sure what you mean. It should work when using iCloud Photos in "Optimize" mode. Does it not for you? Are you saying that you are online or disconnected when trying it?

    5 days ago

    Excellent video. very useful to me. thanks Gary !

    Justine Murdy
    5 days ago

    Dear Gary, I followed your instructions to a TEE. The only change I made to your example was from 25 to 50. I changed it to 25 now and it worked! Thanks, Justine

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