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Autofill In Numbers, One Cell To Another Cell?

How to autofill like this πŸ‘‡πŸ» on Numbers macbook

Evening 2pm – 5pm
Morning 10am – 1pm

Morning Here autofill

How i can do this ?
Morning, Evening i write it but after this i want in other cell autofill timing according to the shift.

Comments: One Response to “Autofill In Numbers, One Cell To Another Cell?”

    3 months ago

    So this isn't "autofill" which is the name of a feature in Numbers and elsewhere. This is simply having a cell automatically contain a value based on the of another cell until a formula.

    So let's say the words (like "Evening") are in column B. In column C, you can use a formula to fill in the corresponding text.

    You would create a second table. Put it out of the way or on another sheet. Then use LOOKUP to get the value you need from it. So A2 in that second table would be "Morning" and B2 would be "10am - 1pm". And then all of the rest of the rows would be pairs like that. The first row would just be header labels.

    Then in your main table you would have the value "Evening" in B3, so in C32, this formula would pick the right text for C3.
    =LOOKUP(B3,Table 2::A,Table 2::B)

    Of course to create that, you would click on B3 to add the first parameter, then the "A" at the top of the second table to get the second parameter, and the "B" at the top of the second table to get the third parameter. Then put that formula in all non-header cells of column C.


    If you want to do a little better, use IFERROR around the LOOKUP so you get a blank cell instead of an error symbol if the value in column B is not found or is blank.

    =IFERROR(LOOKUP(B3,Table 2::A,Table 2::B),"")

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