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Applications Folder Empty

hi Gary, whenever I go into my applications folder through finder, it shows that I have no application, but on the side bar when i click on applications, it shows me every single application that I have. Is there a way to fix it?

— Carlos M

Comments: 13 Responses to “Applications Folder Empty”

    15 years ago

    I bet you are looking at you user Application folder. You have two application folders, one for all users at the top level and one for applications only installed for that one user. The later is usually empty for a typical user. Go to your main. Hard drive level and look in the Application folder there.

      14 years ago

      Cheers Gary, spot on. I was worried there for a minute!


    Carlos M
    15 years ago

    Gary, I am the only user on my mac & how do I make it so that in my applications folder it shows all my applications. Its not a big deal for me since I usually use the applications folder on my dock to access any application that isnt on my dock already but I do like to have everything in working order for whatever reason.

      15 years ago

      You have two applications folders: one at your hard drive level and one at the user level. The one at the hard drive level is the main one. Ignore the other one.

        13 years ago

        do u know how to make that folder show up again?
        cause i still want those apps in that home folder..then i will be able to look at both foler

          13 years ago

          Show up where, exactly? You can browse to both of them. Where else, specifically, do you want them to be?

    15 years ago

    I've got the same problem. just delete the current empty folder, make an alias and drag it to your home folder.

      14 years ago

      I had the same issue. I went to the hard disk and then dragged the Application folder to the side bar. Deleted the empty one. This was not easy to identify.... i am not happy with the Lion. Wasted my money on it.

        14 years ago

        There are two Applications folders: the one at the main level of your hard drive and the one in your User folder. Usually the User folder one is empty -- it would only contain special applications that are available for that user only.
        This is not something new. It has always been this way, in Snow Leopard and before.
        You should never delete either Applications folder.

          13 years ago

          I have the same issue right now, and it is a new thing. My applications folder has always shown all of the apps, but today it does not. Not sure what's pretty startling!

            13 years ago

            Are you sure you are looking in the right place? Remember you have a hard drive level Applications folder, and also a user Applications folder.

              13 years ago

              Same problem here. My app folder under my user name is suddenly empty. I have not changed anything to cause this to my knowledge. How do I access the hard drive level app folder like you are suggesting?

                13 years ago

                Your Applications folder under your user name is usually empty. Most people will not have anything installed there. Your applications are usually in the Applications folder at the root hard drive level.

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