I need to make a back up copy of Photoshop CS 3 Extended because i am going to buy a new monitor. How would you do this.
I have never used Time Machine,and i do not know how you copy it on to a disk. I have Photoshop CS 5 Extended on my iMac,and i
would like a copy of that has well. I am a bit puzzled when it says it needs repairing. This has got me totally baffled,and it also says because you have moved it. Thanks Gary
Mr Anthony Cotton
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Backup For Application
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Not sure what buying a new monitor has to do with making a backup.
First, you should start using Time Machine immediately. Read up on it, and see episode 231: http://macmost.com/choosing-a-time-machine-backup-drive.html
I recommend that anyone doing any sort of work on a computer do regular backups. Time Machine is a simple way to do it on Mac.
But to your question. I wouldn't worry about backing up an application like Adobe Photoshop. You can't simply take the application file and "restore" it if something is wrong. Instead, you need to re-install it. So do you have your installer? Maybe from a purchased disc? Or maybe downloaded? If downloaded, simply burn that installer to a disc. If something goes wrong you would just run the installer to re-install the disc. Remember you serial number too (write it down, keep it safe, etc).
Now, you also mention something about "needs repairing" -- are you getting an error message? If so, from what? And what exactly does it say?
Yes gary, the idiot i am, its already on the Mac Mini,and you are quite right it would not make any difference what monitor i bought. (Its Old Age) My son did all of the registration,and got the serial number from Adobe. I phoned them up and they said don`t worry you have got an account with us. I will try my best with Time Machine,because i have not used it at all. Repairing Error, its happened with Adobe Flash video Encoder,and Photoshop. The message says it has been moved, do you want it repairing. I click on yes,and it starts to load in,but the next time i want to use it again,its the same process. Thanks again Gary for putting up with me.
I have just watched your video,and i have WD My Passport 500GB Will this do the job? One thing thats puzzling me, its got USB 3.0 + USB 2.0 The Mac has no USB 3.0 What is this for. Thanks Gary
I recommend something twice the size of your data. So if you use less than 250GB then a 500GB drive is fine.
When i got off the internet i looked for The Time Machine, but unfortunately i bought the Mac Mini before The Time Machine came out. Yes i would be using less than 250GB. I have 3 external hard drives, My Book, Iomega, and the WD Passport. If clear all rubbish away. I would properly have quite a lot of volume.
I watched a video about how much rubbish accumulates on your computer over time like applications,and other junk. He also advised be careful what you delete.
Thanks Gary