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Can I Use Flagging In Photos Application?

I upgraded to Photos and now I cannot find a way to flag my photos. Has that feature been removed from the Photos application?

Comments: 4 Responses to “Can I Use Flagging In Photos Application?”

    9 years ago

    What is it you are trying to do, exactly? The Photos app gives you the ability to "Favorite" a photo. You can also assign keywords to photos, giving you tons of possibilities.

    9 years ago

    When I worked with iPhoto and flagged a photo I knew that I had entered a proper description, title, editing and that I had then placed that photo in an album. Now, when I view imported photos and videos I cannot do that in Photo. Which makes it hard to know if I used a finished photo in an album or if I properly finished working with a photo.

    9 years ago

    Couldn't you use some combination of conditions in a Smart Folder to accomplish the same thing? And then it would even be automatic.

    9 years ago

    Just add a keyword for that. "Finished" or whatever you want.

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