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How Do I Find Missing Comma Button On iPhone Keyboard?

I have just purchased an iPhone, and I am unable to locate the comma and period buttons on the keyboard when composing text on Whatsapp.

I can access the comma and period button only if I press the ‘123’ button. This is not acceptable. I want the buttons to be displayed on the ‘home’ keyboard.

Comments: 43 Responses to “How Do I Find Missing Comma Button On iPhone Keyboard?”

    2 years ago

    First, you can use two spaces to type a period plus a space. Try it.

    Second, you can tap the 123 button, then with your finger still down, slide over to the period or comma buttons and release. So in one motion you can type either of these. After a few times it becomes second nature and it is only a little more effort than if those keys were visible in the first place. And that works for any key there and the Shift key too.

    See for more iPhone keyboard typing tips.

    Other than that, you can always go to the App Store and get a third-party keyboard. Perhaps a few of them feature a period or comma in a better position.

    Update: See the video I posted on this at

    2 years ago

    Thank you for the quick response. Apple must be the only mobile phone supplier that does not have the comma and period buttons displayed on the primary keyboard layout.

    Douglas Brace
    2 years ago

    Two third-party keyboards for iOS that are regularly recommended by users are Gboard by Google and Swift by Microsoft.

    Susan Hansen
    1 year ago

    I just updated my iPhone and my comma disappeared. I see people are saying to tap the 123 button and slide to the comma but I don’t have one to slide to? Help please

    1 year ago

    Susan: If you are using the default keyboard for US, then in most apps you can see the comma key by tapping the 123 button and the comma is between the period and the question mark on the bottom row.

    1 year ago

    I can’t find comma iPhone 13. Trying to send text message to multiple peole

    1 year ago

    Susan: See my response above.

    Pete Larson
    1 year ago

    Gary Rosenzweig. Sorry, but the fix you suggested no longer works.There is no comma anywhere.

    1 year ago

    Pete: So when you tap the 123 button you don't see a comma at all? Which language and region is your iPhone set to?

    Pete Larson
    1 year ago

    Gary: Nope, and the interesting thing is that the first time I tried your solution it worked like a charm. The second (and successive tries) no nice. My keyboard is in English. I bought my iPhone SE in Austin,Texas, but I am using it in Mazatlan Mexico so I have no idea what region I'm in. Sorry.

    1 year ago

    Pete: What does it show in Settings, General, Language & Region? What is the top preferred language, and what is the Region set to? Doesn't matter where you are, it is what you have them set to. Also, are you maybe using a third-party keyboard you have installed? Look at Settings, General, Keyboard, Keyboards at the top, and then see what has a checkmark.

    Jeff Hayes
    1 year ago

    No longer a comma icon available on my keyboard. Only thing recent was an automatic update. I need to send emails that the recipient address has commas !

    1 year ago

    Jeff: So you are in the Mail app and trying to type an email address? I can understand that there is no comma on the keyboard in that situation since commas are not allowed in email addresses. You must be mistaken about the address as that is simply not allowed in any email system.

    1 year ago

    I have this issue as well. Jut moved from Android to iOS and that is super inconvenient that the Keyboard does not have comma button. That makes you very very slow..

    The 2nd issue is it does not add space automatically after you add the ".". So you have to click another button again. Again, it makes you slow when typing..

    1 year ago

    Who knows maybe the other good 3rd party Keyboard that has comma button? I haven't found any yet. Thx!

    1 year ago

    Igor: The keyboard shows different characters in different situations. Do you see a comma in the Notes app, for instance? How about in Pages?

    1 year ago

    Gary: Nope, I don't see it anywhere. Do you know some other options or keyboards that couldn't used?

    And thanks a lot for your prompt answer!!

    1 year ago

    Igor: So same questions I ask higher up on this page: which language and region are you using?

    1 year ago

    Gary: Lang - English, Region - Ukraine.

    1 year ago

    Igor: Which app are you using though? And in what situation. The Keyboard will look different depending on which app you are using and what field you are enter something into.

    1 year ago

    Gary: I tried many apps in different cases. I tried to install 3rd keyboards also. Nothing works.

    This is very frustrating, it makes you very very slow when typing.

    1 year ago

    Igor: Call Apple Support then.

    1 year ago

    Try toggling the lower case keyboard option umder accessibility off and on, resetting that seems to reset the keyboard settings on my ipad.

    Zach Dumar
    1 year ago

    It seems to have been a one time fix, went back later to Notes & the comma was no longer there & repeating the accessibility fix from before doesn't work anymore

    1 year ago

    I had a coma on my keyboard for a couple of months. But now it is gone.

    1 year ago

    Cannot find the coma button

    1 year ago

    Does anyone know why I can’t find a comma ANYWHERE in my iPhone keyboard? iPhone 13 Max, iOS 17.2.1 I used to be able to access it by tapping or holding 123 on the main keyboard but now it’s just gone. My wife is on the same iOS version but different iPhone model (12 Pro).

    1 year ago

    Paul: You need to describe the situation. Which app are you typing in, and which field in that app? The keyboard changes depending on the app and field type. Also, what are your Language & Region settings?

    1 year ago

    I’m using the delivered Messages app. Language is English and region is U.S.

    1 year ago

    Paul: Which FIELD though? I asked that too. For instance, are you typing someone's phone number, name or email address in order to address a message? Or are you typing the text of the message itself? Or something else?

    1 year ago

    Having the same problem with tge address fiel in contacts. It's important to be able to separate road name from town from county where these are each made up of more than one word. There appear to be two full stops instead.

    1 year ago

    Felicity: In the Contacts app there are separate fields for Street, City, State, ZIP and Country. So you'd never need to separate road from town as the road would be in the Street field, and the town would be in the City field. Even so, I was able to type a comma in the Street field no problem. Maybe you aren't entering a physical address but an "email address" or something else. Look carefully.

    Rob Powel
    12 months ago

    Apple are not allowing even third party Keyboards to include the comma on the home screen. That's why it's gone also from the Swift Keyboard. The reason for this is the same as they will never add home, end, page down, page up on their laptops.

    12 months ago

    Rob: It is not something "allowed" or "disallowed." The keyboard is contextual. In places where you can't type a comma, the keyboard software shows a particular keyboard variety where commas and other keys like it aren't there. As for the "Home Screen" do you mean a Spotlight search? Because a comma is definitely present there.

    Dwight Work
    12 months ago

    I have an iPhone 14Pro Max. Using IOSW 17.3.1. There is no comma on keyboard for text messages to any person not in my contact list.

    12 months ago

    Dwight: That's correct. When you are indicating WHO to text, there is no comma because there is no possible use for a comma. Just type a phone number (digits) or email address. A comma is not a valid character for either of those.

    12 months ago

    Simple solution, How about Apple takes a little bit of their billions of dollars and put out an upgraded keyboard that happens to include a comma?

    12 months ago

    Jim: The problem that most people are experiencing is that they are typing in a field where a comma isn't allowed. Apple could spend all of its money and you still wouldn't want a comma in an email address or a phone number.

    12 months ago

    So do you not need a comma between email addresses if sending to multiple people? I am also not seeing the comma and agree it’s very confusing

    12 months ago

    Barbara: The email addresses are already separate little boxes in the iPhone Mail app. The same in the Mac Mail app, in fact. You don't need a comma as a visual separator as they are already separate.

    12 months ago

    Thank you!

    Bob Ellison
    12 months ago

    I also just lost my coma and parentheses on my keyboard. Very odd and frustrating

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