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How Do You Get Rid Of the Docks History

When you right click on a application above the options it shows you in most applications the history. How do you get rid of it?
Mr Anthony Cotton

Comments: 3 Responses to “How Do You Get Rid Of the Docks History”

    12 years ago

    Seems to depend on the app. For some apps, you can run the app, then go to File, Open Recent, Clear. Then Quit and restart the app. This certainly clears that menu, but doesn't seem to clear the Dock list on some apps.
    There is also a setting in System Preferences, General. Try that. Perhaps with a reboot afterwards it will work.
    Otherwise, you may be stuck with the list unless you want to try some risky Terminal commands. Ignoring them may be your best bet.

    Mr Anthony Cotton
    12 years ago

    I was trying to find the answer in your index,but i could not find an answer.
    Yes you are quite right it does seem to depend on the app,because on some apps there is nothing. I have just went along the dock,and the main culprits seem to be VLC,Text Edit, Preview,Quick Time Player,and Smart Converter.
    I will have a go with System Preferences,but i think it`s a bit risky for me to try Terminal. The reason i can`t ignore it is that i have knocked a couple of apps off the Dock,by accident. Gary

    Mr Anthony Cotton
    12 years ago

    I have sussed it out. It was a bit like what you said at the beginning.This is what i did -1. Show Recents,2.clicked on one.3. Opened a recent film.4.Quit.
    That got rid of the Recents(History) It`s more or less exactly What you said at the beginning. Thanks Gary.

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