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How To Keeping the Dates Together On One Line In Pages 09

I’m writing my family history book I would like to keep my dates on the same line together. Instead of have one line has half of the date and the other as the other half of the date.
Thomas Williams

Comments: 8 Responses to “How To Keeping the Dates Together On One Line In Pages 09”

    12 years ago

    So what you want is to make sure that a group of words stay together, is that correct? Like if you write August 15, 1997 you want to make sure that instead of the 1997 being on the next line, the whole "August 15, 1997" is together on the next line.
    If that is the case, what you want is to put non-breaking spaces between the words instead of regular spaces. Regular spaces are what you get when you press the spacebar. Non-breaking spaces are what you get when you press the spacebar while holding the option key down. Give that a try.

      Shirley Hershey
      12 years ago

      When I press Option-Return, instead of a soft return, a Search box appears which allows me to enter search words. Then, if I tap the Return key, I am treated to a list of web sites that, apparently, contain info about the search words. What am I doing wrong?

        12 years ago

        Sounds like you have some sort of keyboard shortcut set for that, maybe? Is it bringing up the spotlight menu -- Command+Space is what that is usually for. But the technique described above is about Option+Space, not Option+Return.

          Shirley Hershey
          12 years ago

          Sorry, I meant Option-Space. The combo Option-Space in TextEdit and various other word processors and text editors does not summon Spotlight. It brings up something that I never saw before. I am emailing you screenshots of what appears when I press Option-Space.

            Shirley Hershey
            12 years ago

            Oops! I'm unable to post screenshots in your online email form? And I don't have an email address for you that will allow me to post them for you so you can see what I see when I enter Option-Space in a text document. I will try to describe for you what happens when I enter Option-Space:
            1. A black rectangle appears with a blinking I bar.
            2. I typed the words "soft return."
            3. The black box stretches to accommodate the following list:
            Search Google for 'soft return'
            Search Wikipedia for 'soft return'
            Search Amazon for 'soft return'

            Yes, apparently, Option-Space is being used as a command other than to create a soft return in a text document. If so, how do I change it so that, indeed I can use these keys to create a soft return? Or, at least, create a new keyboard combo to create a soft return?

              12 years ago

              Maybe you have something installed on your Mac that allows you to search the web? Like a Google extension or something? Look through your system preferences to see what is there at the bottom. But something is intercepting the Option+Space and using it to create whatever this is.

                12 years ago

                (received screen shot) That's definitely not OS X. That's some sort of extension or app you have installed. That hat with the purple band and the magnifying glass -- do you recognize it? I don't. Look through your apps and such to figure out what it is.

                  12 years ago

                  FYI -- mystery solved. It was an app called "Alfred."

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