How To Have Your Mac Read Text To You

You can easily have your Mac read selected text out loud. You can select the voice and speed. With some more work you can add a keyboard shortcut or have it export the audio into a file to use later.

Comments: 4 Responses to “How To Have Your Mac Read Text To You”

    donald boyd
    12 months ago

    Do you know why the speech command does not work in Freeform for Mac?

    12 months ago

    Donald: I guess it isn't supported in that app? You'd have to ask Apple "why."

    Myron Gochnauer
    12 months ago

    "Start Speaking" seems to be a toggle. I can use the same shortcut to start and stop. The shortcut appears for "Start Speaking" only in the menu.
    There seems to be no simple way to "Pause Speaking" since it does not appear as a menu item. It would be very useful, though, since I often pause to check something that was said, or to make a note of it.

    12 months ago

    Myron: Yes, so the other option would be better for you if you want to pause.

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