How To Make Text Larger In Individual Apps On an iPhone

If you have trouble reading text in some iPhone apps but not others, you can customize the text size in many apps on an individual app-by-app basis. You can do this in the Settings app or using Control Center.

Comments: 5 Responses to “How To Make Text Larger In Individual Apps On an iPhone”

    Dave Taenzer
    11 months ago

    I have been doing this for years with the Control Center but did not know about the Accessibility settings. Thanks.

    Old Mac guy
    11 months ago

    Looks helpful. Thank you.

    11 months ago

    Great video as always. Did not know you can make things Bold as well. Love the topics on the basics for the older generation not fluent in electronics. Keep them coming. Thank you.

    Blind Fencer
    11 months ago

    I just found your website and videos. Thanks for this video!!

    Robert Bailey
    11 months ago

    Both great options, as there are only a few apps I use where the size is too small, and changing all sizes under Display & Text size makes some text too large (for example,in Settings)

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