When using percentages in Mac Numbers, keep in mind that what you are using are really decimal fractions, and not the whole number shown as a percentage. Use formatting to properly show a value as a percent. Also learn how to use percents for sales tax and other things.
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Comments: 2 Responses to “How To Use Percent In Mac Numbers”
George taylor
3 years ago
I have a single column of numbers. Some numbers are positive numbers and some are negative numbers. I need a formula to determine what percentage of numbers from that column are positive numbers.
George: Use COUNTIF to determine how many positive numbers there are and COUNTA to determine how many numbers total. So if the column is B, then COUNTIF(B,">0")÷COUNTA(B)
I have a single column of numbers. Some numbers are positive numbers and some are negative numbers. I need a formula to determine what percentage of numbers from that column are positive numbers.
George: Use COUNTIF to determine how many positive numbers there are and COUNTA to determine how many numbers total. So if the column is B, then COUNTIF(B,">0")÷COUNTA(B)