MacMost Now 531: iMovie for iPad 2

Take a look at iMovie for the iPad 2. This simplified version of the desktop software allows you to put together clips you take with your iPad's cameras into short movies. You can choose a theme that determines the look of the transitions and titles. You can insert audio and photos.

Comments: 29 Responses to “MacMost Now 531: iMovie for iPad 2”

    Bill McQuary
    14 years ago


    Would you show us how we can get the digital copy of a film from a Blu-ray set into our i Pad 2?

    Thanks, Bill

      14 years ago

      I don't know of a way. Macs don't have Blu-ray players, so there's no way to read the discs on a Mac. I suppose you could read them on some PCs, and perhaps there are programs that can "rip" the videos to an iPad-compatible format. But I don't know any specifics.

    Stan Kast
    14 years ago

    I cann't get the video to play in this format. I have OSX Snow Leopard, any suggestions. Never had this trouble before.

      14 years ago

      Can you be more specific? Which video? What format is it in? What is happening when you try to play it?

    Stan Kast
    14 years ago

    MacMost Now 531:iMovie for iPad 2

      14 years ago

      Ah, so you mean the video on this page? It is an embedded YouTube video. Make sure you have Flash installed. Re-install if so.

    14 years ago

    There is a way to import any video, you just have to convert it first to the exact iPad video format ( I used Aleesoft video converter for PC), then you just copy on the iPad. A few extra steps, but well worth it, I'm converting all my home videos and editing them on my free time between jobs at work!

    14 years ago

    Why can't imovie or Final Cut Express load common mpeg files? I have my preferences set to all formats.

    14 years ago

    I just found your website - it's awesome!
    I was wondering if movies recorded on a canon point-and-shoot camera using the iframe format, can be transferred to the ipad for editing in iMovie (using the camera kit). And would you recommend the iframe format to edit videos on an iMac, or is it better to record them in "normal" .mov format 1080p on my canon powershot camera?
    I'm getting hooked on your tutorial videos!

      14 years ago

      I'm not 100% sure as I can't test it. But I would think the they need to be converted to h264 video first on a computer. Maybe the normal mode would work. Try it.

    14 years ago

    can you stop the music at a certain point you want?

      14 years ago

      Yes. Just grab the right end of the music track and shrink it.

    14 years ago

    How can i adjust the duration of a photo clip? I want to reduce the time from 5s to 2sec.

      14 years ago

      Select the photo. Bring up the Inspector (I). Then change the time.

    14 years ago

    Hi, now with Lion we can export the project to ITunes and edit it on the Mac. You just connect your ipad or ipod to your mac and open itunes and go to app folder and in the imovie you will find your project that you can copy to your mac.

    14 years ago

    The best way to import other video format to be compatible with imovie is the free "Hand Brake" program.
    Set the ouput setting to Apple Universal.
    Container: mp4
    Picture: 1280x720
    Video filter all off
    Video: H.264 (x264) at 29.97 Fps, constant quality RF:20
    Audio: AAC (faac) stereo 44.1 128 drc:0.0

    This would convert about any format to a m4v file.
    You then can import that file to iMovie.
    You can also export that file from your mac to the camera-roll of ipod iphone or ipad via the "PhotoSync" app. !

    iPad user
    13 years ago

    Is there anyway to do slow motion on the ipad 2?

    13 years ago

    Is there anyway to fade music in and out on the iPad 2? Also, is there anyway to get the original imovie transitions and fonts on iPad 2?

      13 years ago

      I don't believe you can fade in music, no. And there's no way to add effects or fonts.

    Shawn Scott
    13 years ago

    I have a kodak ZX5 camcorder and did a video that iMovie on my Macbook said incompatible file format.....but with my iPad2 and SD card adapter was able to open and edit on my iPad.?????? Very strange.

    13 years ago

    I haven't tested this but I did notice it on one of my projects. In iPad iMovie if you drag the size of the audio clip past/over a video transition area the audio seemed to fade out. Might be something to look at.

    13 years ago

    Thanks for sharing, that is quite useful.

    Rach h
    13 years ago

    Hi I was just wondering if you can speed up clips because it bought you could then I went and bought it because i thought you could but I got it and can't find how

      13 years ago

      This is a feature of iMovie 11 on Mac, but I don't recall it being there in iMovie for iOS.

    13 years ago

    I want to put music on a project I've made but just at the beginning and end I managed to do it at the beginning of the video but everytime I try to do it at the end it's seems impossible do you know how I could do this? Thanks

      13 years ago

      Forgot to say i'am on iMovie for ipad2 :-)

        13 years ago

        Not quite sue on the iPad, but in iMovie on the Mac you need SOMETHING there for the music to go over. You can't have audio and no video in a "video." So put something (black background works on the Mac) there and then overlay the music.

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