MacMost Now 406: Mac Screen Sharing on the iPad

Learn how to use apps to connect to your Mac and control it from the iPad. You can also use your iPad as a second monitor.

iTap VNC:
Air Display:

Comments: 13 Responses to “MacMost Now 406: Mac Screen Sharing on the iPad”

    14 years ago

    Thank you Gary for you great videos.
    Is it possible to see the iPad's screen from a Mac through the internet?
    Like iCat or Skype do with charing screen.
    Many thanks

    13 years ago

    Hi Gary,
    I am planning an event. I would like some guest to write or draw something onto a photo on the ipad and then wirelessly project it onto the screen. From what I gather, I would need airdisplay to do it. What other apps do I need?

    I read some pple suggesting using Apple TV. But I don't wish to purchase additional hardware. I would like to use a Mac Book that is connected to a projector and an Ipad and connect them wirelessly.

    Hear from you,

      13 years ago

      I guess you could use an app like that to do it. It all comes down to the app -- if there is one that will do the task you want, then you are set. If not, then it can't be done unless you write your own app. :)

    12 years ago

    Hello Gary.
    Would these apps work with software like Photoshop or GarageBand? I am mostly in bed due to injury, looking for a way to work lying down from my ipad2. I wonder if these are still the apps you would recommend, and whether it matters which Mac computer I buy if I want to do this? I have been talking to the apple shop people about this but haven't found them particularly helpful.

    Best Wishes, Penny.

      12 years ago

      Not sure this will help you at all. You want to control Photoshop/Garageband running on your Mac, from your iPad? Both are very complex programs that require a lot of user interaction. Maybe a MacBook Air would be better (easy to hold).

        12 years ago

        Hm have tried laptops but the shape is wrong for working lying on my side. O well I guess tablets will get there eventually.. Thanks for your advice anyway.
        Best Wishes, Penny.

          12 years ago

          Of course you can always use an iPad and use the PhotoShop Touch app, and the GarageBand app, and others, directly on the iPad. No need for VNC.

    12 years ago

    Hello. I hadn't come across PhotoShop Touch until I read this, have been trying it out, thanks for the suggestion.

    Matt Kenslea
    12 years ago

    Gary, I am hoping to demo an iPad App remotely to either Mac/Windows devices using a browser to connect. Any hope?

    Thanks, great site, btw.

    12 years ago

    how do I download the programm?

      12 years ago

      They are apps. You get them in the iOS app store on your device, on in iTunes on your Mac (and then sync them to your device). There are links under the video.

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