Reducing Dock Clutter By Minimizing Into Application Icons

If your Dock gets cluttered with minimized windows on the right side, then you may want to switch to let windows minimize into the application icon instead. You can always find minimized windows in the Dock or the Window menu. You can also start using Tabs to reduce the number of windows on the screen.

Comments: One Response to “Reducing Dock Clutter By Minimizing Into Application Icons”

    Wayne Garriepy
    6 years ago

    One of the great things about your videos is they get to the point quickly and precsicely and you’ve maintained this habit for all the years I’ve watched you. As I’ve used the dock over the years I’ve placed my most used apps dead center and taper off as I place them on either side. For me Safari is placed in the center and becomes easier to fall to. Additionally, when working on a project I place every element of that project in one master folder which is then placed in the dock.

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